1 2011 Rule Changes - Plays 1-5
2 Touchdown at Goal Line Pylon
3 Scoring Plays - Live Ball Foul Penalty Enforcement
4 10-Second Subtraction/Runoff [ZAP 10] (Rule 3-4-4)
5 ZAP 10 Decision Chart (Rule 3-4-4)
6 Postscrimmage Kick Enforcement (Rule 10-2-3)
7 Use of Hands - Loose Ball
8 Batting a Scrimmage Kick in Field of Play During Kicks
9 Batting a Scrimmage Kick in B's End Zone During Kicks
10 Batting from Field of Play into an End Zone (Chart)
11 Batting from Field of Play into an End Zone (Plays)
12 Unsuccessful Field Goals (Rule 8-4-2-b-1)
13 Onside Kicks (Rule 6-1-3)
14 Dead Ball Fouls Before or At The Snap
15 Penalty Enforcement - Unsportsmanlike Fouls
16 Blocking Below the Waist - Offense (Rule 9-1-6)

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / August 22, 2011 / (minims11)