Assume that all plays occur in the first possession series of an extra period.




A4's field goal attempt is tipped behind the neutral zone. B28 attempts to catch the kick in B's end zone and muffs the ball. B44 recovers and advances across A's goal line.
Touchdown. The game is over. Team B wins. The advance is legal since B28 touched the ball before it hit the ground in B's end zone.
Team B gains possession and advances to B's 14 where he is downed. A77 commits a flagrant personal foul before Team B possession.
The series ends. A77's foul occurred before the change of team possession. Thus, the penalty is not enforced on the next series. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 25. DQ A77.
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10 where he is hit and fumbles. Team A recovers and is downed in the field of play.
Series ends. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 25.
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10 where he is hit and fumbles. Team A recovers and advances across Team B's goal line. A26 was illegally in motion.
There is no score. The penalty is accepted. Team A will replay the down after a 5-yard penalty from the previous spot.
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10. Team A commits a face mask personal foul during the advance.
Distance penalties for live ball fouls, except flagrant personal and unsportsmanlike conduct fouls, by either team after Team B possession are declined by rule. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 25. (3-1-3-g-1)
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10. A96 commits a flagrant personal or unsportsmanlike foul during the advance.
The penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot since Team A committed this flagrant foul after a change of team possession. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 12-1/2. DQ A96.
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10. Team A commits a personal foul and also a taunting foul during the advance.
The penalty for the personal foul is declined by rule. The taunting foul is a live ball unsportsmanlike conduct foul and the penalty is enforced from the 25. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 12-1/2. (3-1-3-g-1)
Team B gains possession and advances to A's 10 where he is hit and fumbles. Team A recovers while grounded. Team A commits a personal foul and Team B commits a taunting foul during Team B's advance.
Offsetting fouls. Since Team B did not foul before the first change of team possession, the series ends. The taunting foul is part of offsetting fouls. Team B next puts the ball in play on the 25. (3-1-3-g-3)
The score is A0-B0. Team A scores a touchdown. B96 blocks the try and advances across A's goal line. During B96's run, A55 commits a flagrant personal foul.
The score is A6-B2. The 15-yard penalty is enforced on the succeeding play. Team B puts the ball in play on the 12-1/2. The penalty would be declined by rule if the foul was not flagrant. DQ A55. (8-3-4-a)

pigskin@romgilbert.us / August 22, 2017 / (xtraply5)