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"Upon Further Review"

2010 Post-Season Week 3 Clips  

                                                            Intentional Grounding ?     A basic part of the intentional grounding (IG)  rule is that in order to be called IG,  the pass must have been an attempt to save loss of yardage.  (7-3-2-f)  This typically means a QB is under duress when he throws a pass that is deemed to be an act of IG.  The viewer can decide if this QB was under duress sufficient to justify an IG flag. 

                                                           Defensive Movement     While defenders are allowed more latitude with regards to their pre-snap movements than are offensive players,  there are limits.  (7-1-5)  Defensive players in a stationary position within 1 yard of the line of scrimmage may not make quick or abrupt actions that are not part of normal defensive player movement in an obvious attempt to cause a false start  (7-1-1-5-a-4)  Here are 2 clips of the same player performing a unique act.  Should this be penalized?    Clip 1    Clip  2

                                                           Unsportsmanlike Conduct   Despite the best efforts of refs, the rules committee, and many coaches,  there are still too many examples of unsportsmanlike conduct each week.  Sometimes we catch them, sometimes we don't.   Clip 1     Clip 2

                                                           Cross Field Spotting  Most  officials understand the value of cross field spotting of forward progress in many circumstances.  In this clip, the cross field official is not engaged with the action in the area where the ball is thrown and is able to help get the correct forward progress spot. 

                                                           Cross Field Spotting - Part 2 While using the cross field spot to judge forward progress, it can cause issues if a measurement is required when the ball is dead.  This can be alleviated if the covering official takes the cross field spot and measurement is done where he is.  In this clip, the measurement was made instead at the cross field official's spot.  Initially the ball was then spotted at the inbounds mark on that side of the field.  An alert crewmember realized ball should be at the other inbounds line and it was moved.  The R's announcement that they would re-measure was likely not what he meant.  All they were doing was moving the ball to the other inbounds line.   

                                                           Bad Acting   The rules do provide a mechanism for penalizing the kicker or holder who simulates being roughed or run into (9-1-4-b) .  However, sometimes the acting is so bad it does not even warrant penalizing.   

                                                          Illegal Participation or Substitution Infraction ?    The common philosophy for dealing with situations where Team B has more than 11 players on the field is to count them early enough that you can prevent the snap and penalize Team B only 5 yards for a substitution infraction.  however, at times the ball is snapped before the officials can confirm there are more than 11.  When this happens, Team B should be penalized for illegal participation (15 yards)  unless the covering officials deem the extra player(s) left after the ball was snapped.    (AR 9-1-5-III) 

                                                          Post Scrimmage Kick (PSK) Enforcement      When a scrimmage kick ends in a touchback, the PSK spot is the 20 yard line.  However, if there is a PSK type of foul behind the 20, penalty enforcement is from the spot of foul.   (10-2-3)  In this clip, the fair catch signaller fouled by blocking at the 13.  {For 5 bonus points, what is the signal to be used during penalty announcement?   See 6-5-4 PENALTY}  

                                                           Simultaneous Catch    When 2 airborne players possess a pass, it is only a simultaneous catch if they both come to ground at the same time while maintaining possession.(2-2-8 and AR 7-3-6-III)   The covering official here correctly ruled NOT a simultaneous catch as the defender came to ground first. 


Rom Gilbert / August 11, 2010 / (index.html)