1. RULING: B 1/10 A39; Snap. The ball becomes dead when recovered by A67 who commits an illegal touching violation. Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies since Team B will next put the ball in play. Team B will decline offsetting fouls. Team A will accept the penalty for Team B's foul. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 29. If Team A declines the penalty for Team B's foul, Team B will take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, A's 27. Enforce the penalty for Team B's foul and get on with the show.

2. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20 The score is A26-B24. During a loose ball, a player may push but may not pull if they can legally catch or recover the loose ball. Team B will free kick from B's 20 since the penalty was accepted for a live ball foul during the last timed down of the period. The momentum rule does not apply since the ball fumbled by B44 entered the field of play. The basic enforcement spot is the end of B44's run which is considered B's goal line.

3. RULING: A 4/4 B44; Snap. The inadvertent whistle sounded during a running play. Team A was in possession so will most likely elect to replay the down. Team A could, but probably will not, elect A 1/10 A3. If A65 committed a block in the back foul on A's 2 during A84's advance, Team B would likely accept the penalty and it would be A 1/10 A1. The inadvertent whistle then would not be a consideration. If Team B declines the penalty, Team A then has the same A 4/4 A44 and A 1/10 A3 options. The clock starts on the snap because of the legal kick play during the previous down.

4. RULING: A 1/10 B48. Team A is SOL. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty for the illegal shift. The period will be extended. The 15-yard penalty for B96's foul is then enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 37. Team A may not elect to have the penalty enforced to start the second half because the penalty for the illegal shift foul occurred before the end of the first half and is accepted. If Team B declines the 5-yard penalty (Team B will not), then the 15-yard penalty would be enforced to start the second half since the foul is considered to have occurred after the end of the first half. Acceptance or declination of the 5-yard penalty depends on what Team B fears the most, a Team A touchdown or kicking off from their 20.

5. RULING: A 4/15 A35 . A88 became an exception to the mandatory numbering when the snapper adjusted the ball. A88 must be covered at all times prior to the snap. Once the snapper is "locked in", so are the exceptions. The fact that A88 was on the end of the line after the snapper adjusted the ball and before the snap is an infraction of Rule 7-1-4-a-5 with the foul occurring at the snap. The previous interpretation was that A88 just had to be covered at the snap. The last known interpretation is that A88 must be continuously covered up to the snap. Rule 7-1-4-5-b is ambiguous enough to be interpreted either way.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B4; Snap. When a kick ends in B's end zone, the postscrimmage kick spot is B's 20. Even though the bat by B33 added new impetus, the status of the ball is still a scrimmage kick. The end of the kick is B's end zone and so the postscrimmage kick spot is B's 20. Therefore, the holding penalty is enforced from B's 8, the spot of the foul. If B44 did not make it out of B's end zone, the result of the play would be a safety. (2-25-11-b)

7. RULING: Touchdown. The game ends. Final score is A30-B27. No foul. A88 did not strike his opponent (9-1-2). The ball carrier may use his hand or arm to ward off or push opponents (9-3-2). No player shall continuously contact an opponent's face, helmet (including the face mask) or neck with hand or arm (Exception: By or against the ball carrier) (9-1-8). This is the classic stiff arm from the leather helmet days seen in black and white images.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / November 4, 2017 / (q-1711a)