1. RULING: A 1/10 B14; Snap. Hurdling is defined in 2-15-1 with 9-1-13 excepting the ball carrier. If the rules committee wanted hurdling to involve contact with an opponent, they would have so stated. There has been no written evidence over the years to support the contact requirement. Since linemen are lined up tight on trys and field goal attempts, it would be difficult at best to hurdle over a gap. The Pigskin Page did submit a rule change request the past few years to require contact. The main reason was because hurdling is seldom called. It would still be a personal foul if there was contact. Pushing the ball carrier also was seldom called but that rule was changed.

2. RULING: A 3/3 A27. Incomplete legal forward pass. Normally, a forward pass is determined by the point where the ball first strikes the ground, a player, an official or anything beyond the spot of the pass. However, when a Team A player is holding the ball to pass it forward toward the neutral zone, any intentional forward movement of his arm starts the forward pass (2-19-2-b). If a Team B player contacts the passer or ball after forward movement begins and the ball leaves the passer's hand, a forward pass is ruled regardless of where the ball strikes the ground, a player or an official.

3. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. There was no catch when A84 was airborne. There was no catch when A84 landed since the ball came loose upon A84's impact with the ground. There was no catch, nor player possession, until A84 finally controlled the ball when the ball was in B's end zone. When this occurred, the ball became dead. This is a touchdown.

4. RULING: A 1/10 B31. Before a change of team possession, players of Team B may block below the waist only within the area defined by lines parallel to the goal line five yards beyond and behind the neutral zone extended to the sidelines (9-1-6-b-1). However, this rule is trumped by 9-1-6-b-3 which states, "Players of Team B may not block below the waist against an eligible Team A pass receiver beyond the neutral zone unless attempting to get to the ball or ball carrier. This prohibition ends when a legal forward pass is no longer possible by rule." The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A12's run, B's 46, and carries a first down.

5. RULING: B 1/10 B22. The result of the play is a touchback. However the illegal kicking foul occurred during a running play. B44's run did not end in B's end zone. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the end of B44's run, B's 12. If B44 fumbled in B's end zone, it would be B 1/10 B30.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B20. Team A commits an illegal touching violation but this is not relevant in this play. The ball should have been blown dead when recovered by A56. B44 is not more than three yards beyond the neutral zone so his block is considered as occurring within or behind the neutral zone (6-3-1-b). When the ball hits the ground on B's 13, the kick has crossed the neutral zone. The ball is untouched by Team B after having crossed the neutral zone and is subsequently declared dead beyond the neutral zone. Team B will next snap the ball on B's 20 on or between the inbounds lines.

7. RULING: A 1/goal B2; Snap. The ball is returned to the spot of the fourth down fumble, B's 4. The result of the play is not a touchdown as the ball is returned to the spot of the fourth down fumble. Therefore, the clock was stopped only to complete the penalty. Team B is ahead in the score (or the game is tied) and Team A will elect to have the clock started on the snap per 3-4-3. If Team A earned a first down on B's 4, then there was another reason to stop the clock and the clock would start on the ready. That's the interpretation of the crew at World Headquarters. There was no change of team possession during the down. Therefore, the 15-yard penalty for B96's roughing the passer foul is enforced half the distance from the end of A88's run, B's 4.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / November 27, 2016 / (q-1613a)