2. PLAY: 3rd/8 B18. Fourth quarter. The score is A27-B28. The game clock shows 0:56. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A33 is downed on B's 12 and the play clock starts with 0:48 on the game clock. Team A sends in the field goal team and stands around waiting for the play clock to expire. The play clock expires.
3. PLAY: A 2/5 B15. First half. The game clock is running. A66 moves resulting in B96 crossing the neutral zone and slamming A66 to the ground. The clock shows 0:09.
4. PLAY: F/K A35. The score is A24-B21. The game clock shows 0:01 in the fourth quarter. B44 cleanly recovers A4's previously untouched free kick on A's 44 while grounded.
5. PLAY: 3rd/9 B29. The score is A27-B27. B44 intercepts A16's pass on B's 4 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. The ball is muffed by A65 on B's 1 and rolls out of bounds in B's end zone. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.
6. PLAY: 4th/12 A48. B44 muffs the punt on B's 6. B44 recovers the ball in B's end zone and fumbles before leaving B's end zone. B45 picks up the ball in B's end zone and advances to B's 22 where he is tackled. During B44's run, B94 held at the B10.
7. PLAY: 2nd/9 B24. Extra period. First possession series. B44 intercepts A16's legal forward pass. During B44's run, he taunts A88 on A's 7 by pointing the ball toward A88. A86 twists B44's face mask on A's 2. The ball penetrates Team A's goal line in B44's possession as B44 falls to the ground. B66 hurls an expletive deleted at the covering official after the down ends.