1. RULING: B 1/10 A22. The 5-yard penalty for Team A's free kick out of bounds foul will be enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 42. If a live ball is declared dead out of bounds and the ball does not cross a boundary line, it is out of bounds at the ball's most forward point when it was declared dead (4-2-4-a). The 15-yard penalty for the late hit is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 37. Team B could elect, but will not, that the 5-yard penalty be enforced from the previous spot. After penalty enforcement for the free kick out of bounds foul plus the 15-yard penalty for A64's dead ball foul, it would be A f/k A10.

2. RULING: Game ends. Final score is A27-B28. The game clock should read 0:08 (48 seconds minus 40 seconds for the mathematically challenged) when the play clock expires. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty and elect ZAP 10. NOTE: This was a legal, valid coaching tactic before ZAP 10 cranked up. Team A took the full 40 seconds to allow Team B less time to score if the field goal is successful. (Reference: NCAA: Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction, August 8, 2011, Play #13)

3. RULING: Half ends. The fouls are not offsetting because false start is not included in 10-1-5-Exception. Team B will accept the penalty for A66's dead ball foul. Unless Team A can use a timeout to avoid it, Team B will elect the ZAP 10 and the half will end. The 15-yard penalty for B96's dead ball foul will be enforced to start the second half. If Team B does not elect ZAP 10, it will be A 1/goal B10 with the clock starting on the snap at 0:09.

4. RULING: B 1/10 A44; Snap. Game clock: 0:01. The ball becomes dead and the game clock is never started. The ruling is the same when a Team B player makes a fair catch.

5. RULING: Safety. Team A scores two points. The final score is A29-B27. The momentum exception ended when the fumbled ball entered the field of play and did not go out of bounds between the goal lines. Impetus is charged to the team that is responsible for the ball going from the field of play into B's end zone. B44 provided new impetus when his fumble went from the field of play into B's end zone (8-5-1-a). A muff does not add new impetus unless the ball is at rest. The fact that the spot of the fumble is in B's end zone is not relevant. The new impetus supersedes the momentum exception.

6. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. Team possession changed in B's end zone. The related run by B44 ended in B's end zone. However, the result of the play is not a touchback. The basic enforcement spot is B's goal line since B44's related run ended in B's end zone. [10-2-2-d-2-(c)]

7. RULING: No score. B 1/10 A40. Second possession series. Offsetting fouls by B44 and A86 (3-1-3-g-3). Team B did not foul prior to gaining possession so the down is not replayed. The dead ball foul by B66 is enforced to start the next series. Probable DQ of B66.

pigskin@romgilbert.us / November 7, 2016 / (q-1611a)