1. RULING: B 1/10 B8; Snap. Team B did not foul before last gaining team possession. Team B will decline offsetting fouls. Team A will then accept the penalty for Team B's holding foul. The 10-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the end of the run, B's 16, since the spot of the foul, B's 20, is in advance of the end of the run.

2. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. The fourth down fumble rule applies. The ball becomes dead when recovered by A68 on B's 2. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble since the ball was recovered in advance of the spot of the fumble. The result of the play is a safety. There are no other options. There cannot be a roughing the kicker foul since there was no kick. The clock may have to be adjusted.

3. RULING: A 1/10 B33 Roughing the passer. The ball carrier becomes a passer when he releases the ball. He remains a passer from the time he releases the ball until the pass is complete, incomplete or intercepted or he moves to participate in the play. The 15-yard penalty is added to the end of the last run when that run ends beyond the neutral zone and there is no change of team possession during the down. This principle applies to penalty enforcement for any Team B personal foul during a legal forward pass play.

4. RULING: A 1/10 B16; Ready. The 5-yard penalty for the ball carrier intentionally throwing the ball out of bounds to conserve time is enforced from the spot of the pass, B’s 11. There is no ZAP 10 since the foul occurred after a change of team possession during the down. The game clock will start on the ready after Team A throws an illegal forward or backward pass to conserve time (3-3-2-e-14, 3-4-3). Team A has time to line up and attempt a field goal. (Rule 3-4-4-a)

5. RULING: A 1/10 B14 Completed legal forward pass. The pass was not completed until A88's body landed on the ground in control of the ball. B44 commits a live ball personal foul during a passing play. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A88's run, B's 28. It is not defensive pass interference since A88 had touched the pass when the contact occurred. A88's run and related running play started and ended when the A88 caught the ball. Thus, the foul occurred during a passing play and not during a running play but that doesn't matter in this play. If the official rules that A88 was downed when contacted by B44, it would be a dead ball personal foul. If it was fourth down and a dead ball foul, the ball would go over on downs.

6. RULING: B 1/10 A25. Cancel the score. The foul by B92 is considered a personal foul (9-1-17). Since the foul was not flagrant, no penalty is enforced to start Team B's series. If B92 took off his helmet voluntarily during B44's run, this foul would be unsportsmanlike conduct and the 15-yard penalty would be enforced to start Team B's series. B92 must sit out the first down of the second possession.

7. RULING: A 1/10 A34. The foul occurred during the running play that includes A14's run. Therefore, the 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot and carries a first down. If the foul occurred during the running play which includes A33's run, the penalty would be enforced from the end of A33's run, A's 37. Team A will give up the three yards to get the first down on A's 34. COMMENT: After the penalty is enforced, an official observes on the jumbotron that the foul occurred during A33's run. What ... do ... you ... DO???

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / October 12, 2016 / (q-1608a)