1. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. Legal formation. Legal play.

2. RULING: B 1/10 B35; Snap. Basic spot is B's 20. Team possession changes in B's end zone. B44's related run ends in B's end zone. The result of the play is a touchback. By batting the loose ball, A88 applies new impetus which leads to a touchback when the loose ball hits the pylon. The 10-yard penalty for the illegal batting foul, which would be enforced from B's 20, is declined. The 15-yard penalty for the illegal blocking below the waist foul is accepted.

3. RULING: A 4/13 B33; Snap. Illegal block below the waist. During a down in which there is a free kick or scrimmage kick, all players are prohibited from blocking below the waist except against the ball carrier (9-1-6-a). The clock was stopped after a legal kick down. Both the foul and starting the clock on the snap are not contingent on whether the kick crosses the neutral zone.

4. RULING: A 4/goal B7. Team A will elect to replay the down. Extend the period . A67 may advance. The offense or defense may advance a backward pass that is caught or recovered on any down. A67 could not advance if A19 fumbled the ball. The inadvertent whistle rule applies. Team A will not take the ball on B's 4 since B's 4 is short of the line to gain, Team B's goal line.

5. RULING: Extra period. Team B did not foul before gaining team possession. Team B will decline offsetting fouls since they unlikely will want to give Team A another down. Team A then will most likely decline the penalty for Team B's blocking below the waist foul. If Team A accepts the penalty for B77's blocking below the waist foul, the quarter will be extended with an untimed down. It would be B 1/10 B10.

6. RULING: A 3/12 B22; Snap. ZAP 10 does not apply. Game clock shows 0:15. The five-yard penalty for A12's illegal forward pass is enforced from the spot of the foul and carries a loss of down. The clock is stopped for the apparent touchdown and the foul itself does not cause the clock to stop. Only an incomplete illegal forward pass causes the clock to stop. Since Rule 3-4-4-c does not apply, the clock starts on the snap per Rule 3-3-2-c. Reference: 2011 Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction, Play #10.

7. RULING: B 1/10 50; Snap. The ball became dead when B44 touched the ball while out of bounds. Since the ball did not penetrate the plane of B's goal line, this is considered a free kick out of bounds. The ball is placed at the hash mark on B's 35. The 15-yard penalty for A76's dead ball personal foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 35. The fact that B44 was not flagged for a delay foul is a bad deal for Team A but this "tune" has been played before. If the untouched ball rolls into B's end zone, the ball will likely become dead (touchback) before being touched by B44.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / October 6, 2016 / (q-1607a)