2. RULING: Touchdown. A touchdown shall be scored when a fumble or backward pass is recovered, caught or awarded in the opponent's end zone (8-2-1-c). If the covering official would have signaled touchdown, replay could and would reverse the call to B 1/goal A1. Prior to this rule change, a player had to have player possession to score a touchdown. The reason for the change to an awarded touchdown without player possession is not known by the PPID.
3. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. The fourth down fumble rule does not apply after a change of team possession during the down (7-2-2-a-Exception 2).
4. RULING: A 1/goal B8; Ready. A18 must leave the game for one down since his helmet did not come off as the result of a helmet foul. The game clock stopped for the helmet coming off in addition to completing the penalty so there is no option to start the clock on the snap.
5. RULING: B 1/10 B6, Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies since Team B would next snap the ball because the result of the play is a touchback (10-2-3-b-4). Team A is considered to be in legal possession when the ball becomes dead but that is not relevant in the postscrimmage kick enforcement rule.
6. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The clock is started on the ready because a Team B ball carrier, not a Team A ball carrier, ran out of bounds (AR 3-3-2-V). The period is not extended because the foul did not occur during a down in which time expires. The Umpire need not stay over the ball because Team B is not making substitutions.
7. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The result of the play is a safety. However, A82 committed an illegal touching violation on B's 9. Team B elects to take the ball at the spot of the violation. There is no reason to extend the period. If A82 did not touch the ball, Team A would be awarded one point and the game would go into an extra period.