1. RULING: Game ends. Final score is A24-B28. The ball becomes dead when a ball carrier's helmet comes completely off (4-1-3-q). The helmet coming off is the only reason for stopping the clock (3-3-9-b). If there is less than one minute in the half, the opponent has the option of a 10-second runoff, unless the helmet comes off as the direct result of a helmet foul by the opponent. Team B accepts the ZAP 10.

2. RULING: Game ends If replay and a measurement determines that a first down was made, the clock is set to 0:06 since the game clock should have stopped for the first down. It would be A 1/10 B22; Ready. COMMENT: All members of the PPID approve this ruling.

3. RULING: A 1/10 A43. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, A's 28, and carries a first down. The tackle box disintegrates when a potential passer (legally grounding the ball) or potential kicker (roughing or running into the kicker protection) leaves the tackle box (2-34-1-b). The same logic applies to the horse collar tackle when a ball carrier leaves the tackle box. Thus, "once out, always out". The purpose of the rule is supposedly to protect the ball carrier "on the run".

4. RULING: A 4/10 B20; Snap. Team B will decline the penalty in the interest of time remaining. The game clock was stopped only to complete a penalty for Team A. If the penalty was accepted, it will not, it would be A 3/20 B30. Since Team A is ahead in the score, or the score is tied, Team B has the option for the clock to start on the snap and will so elect.

5. RULING: B 1/10 B24; Snap. There was no kick. Thus, there is no leaping foul. Team B takes over on downs. This interpretation differs from the rule where a defensive player initiates contact with the snapper before one second has elapsed when Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. This would be a foul whether or not the ball is kicked.

6. RULING: A 1/10 A35. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply. Team A has legal possession of the ball and the ball belongs to Team A when the down ends. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot. The ball was touched by Team B after the ball crossed the neutral zone. If Team A declines the penalty expecting to take the ball on B's 36, Team B will elect to take the ball at the spot of the illegal touching, B's 39. If there was no foul and no illegal touching, Team A would next put the ball in play where A88 recovers the ball.

7. RULING: A 1/10 B24. A12 became the passer when he released the ball. Thus, the personal foul is considered roughing the passer although penalty enforcement is the same for any Team B personal foul during the legal foward pass play. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of the last run when that run ends beyond the neutral zone and there is no change of team possession during the down. The end of the last run is B's 39. The penalty carries a first down. The roughing the passer penalty is accepted and the offside penalty is declined. There is no need to consult Team A for their option.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / September 29, 2016 / (q-1605a)