2. PLAY: 4th/9 B29. A5's unsuccessful field goal attempt is fielded by B44 on B's 5 and returned to B's 40 where B44 fumbles. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 36. During the kick, A78 blocks B65 below the waist on B's 25.
3. PLAY: 1st/10 B28. The score is A27-B28. Fourth quarter. Team A is out of timeouts. The game clock shows 0:12. A88 advanced for a first down during the down just completed. A56 snaps the ball just after the U starts to step back and before the R gives the ready signal by winding the clock. A18 is sacked (no personal foul) on B's 36.
4. PLAY: 2nd/8 B38. B97 lines up in front of A66 with Snapper A55 and A77 on each side of A66. B97 enters the neutral zone without making contact. A55 reacts, starts the snap, pauses and then completes the backward pass to A14. Whistles sound and the game clock stops.
5. PLAY: 4th/4 A46. A16 hands off to A86 on A's 38. On a double reverse, A86 hands off to A84 on A's 36. A84 runs out of bounds on B's 32. The Umpire flags B65 for a live ball personal foul on A's 38 but has no clue when the foul occurred. The officials conclude, incorrectly, that the foul occurred during A84's run.
6. PLAY: 3rd/10 B30. The score is A26-B28. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A88 receives A17’s legal forward pass and is downed inbounds on B’s 23. The clock continues to run and then the BJ realizes that Team B played with 12 players, throws the flag and stops the clock just prior to Team A next snapping the ball. The game clock reads 12 seconds in the half.
7. PLAY: 3rd/10 B20. The score is A27-B28. Fourth quarter. A12 is on B's 24 when he throws a backward pass out of bounds on B's 27 to conserve time. Game clock shows 0:50.