2. RULING: The game ends. The final score is A26-B28. Team B may and will elect ZAP 10. After the ball is ready for play and before the ball is snapped, no player of the offensive team shall be in or beyond the neutral zone once the snapper is established. Dead ball foul for encroachment. The ball was never legally snapped. The 5-yard penalty would be enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 22, if time remained in the fourth quarter. This is an unfortunate occurrence that cannot be equitably resolved. (7-1-3-c)
3. RULING: B 1/10 B15. A74's foul occurred during a running play that included B44's run. The end of B44's run was B's goal line. The basic spot is B's end zone when a foul occurs after a change of team possession in B's end zone, the related run ends in B's end zone and the result of the play is not a touchback. If B44 was tackled in B's end zone (no fumble), then the basic enforcement spot would be B's 20 and it would be B 1/10 B35. [10-2-2-d-2-(c)]
4. RULING: A 3/25 A45; Snap. Even though he did not realize it at the time, A88 advanced a dead ball. All unsportsmanlike fouls and personal fouls during A88's advance are enforced from the succeeding spot. Fouls during A88's advance carrying a ten yard penalty are not enforced.
5. RULING: A 1/10 B29. The most forward point of the ball when declared out of bounds between the goal lines is the point of forward progress. An exception is when a ball carrier is airborne as he crosses the sideline, forward progress is determined by the position of the ball as it crosses the sideline. By the rules editor's interpretation, a ball carrier who strides across the sideline before first touching out of bounds is considered to be an airborne player. A88 is neither airborne nor striding across the sideline. (4-2-4-d)
6. RULING: A 1/10 B28. The fourth down fumble rule applies. The fourth down fumble was caught or recovered by the Team A player who fumbled. A33 never had player possession so could not fumble. The advance by A13 is legal.
7. RULING: A 1/10 B12. Defensive pass interference. The pass was catchable so Team A only has the option of accepting the penalty for defensive pass interference and not holding. If the pass was not catchable, then the foul would be holding (A 1/goal B9). If B44's foul was also a personal foul, then the penalty for the personal foul (A 1/goal B9) would be more advantageous than the penalty for defensive pass interference (A 1/10 B12). if the foul occurred on B's 6, for example, the penalty for defensive pass interference (A 1/goal B6) would be more advantageous than the penalty for the personal foul (A 1/goal B9).