1. RULING: Game over. The final score is A28-B24. The period is not extended since the statement of the penalty includes a loss of down (3-2-3-a-1). The foul is by the team in possession. If time remained, it would be B 1/goal A-1/2. Team B is S.O.L. See 2015 MM #16, Extension of Periods, for related plays.

2. RULING: B 1/10 B20. Team B will decline the penalty since the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B on B's 4 and tack-on enforcement would only take the ball to B's 14. Team B could also elect penalty enforcement from the previous spot. It would be A 4/22 A48. Under the previous rule, Team B could accept the illegal touching violation before penalty enforcement and it would be B 1/10 B30. This was a foul years ago.

3. RULING: B 1/10 B4. The ball was legally kicked from behind the neutral zone. It is legal for a player to punt the ball from behind the neutral zone after a ball carrier has gone beyond the neutral zone. If A33 threw a forward pass, it would be an illegal forward pass since a ball carrier had previously carried the ball beyond the neutral zone.

4. RULING: B 1/10 A46. Extend period. A67 commits a foul when he starts to participate which is after B44's recovery. The 15-yard penalty for A67's personal foul will be enforced from the end of B44's run, B's 39. A67 will be excused from play for one down. NOTE: A67 may not be blocked so his tackle may have saved a touchdown.
(9-1-12-b, 9-1-17)

5. RULING: A 2/2 B32. Dead ball foul by B96. A82 would commit a dead ball foul but this foul occurs only if he does not get inside the numbers before the snap (7-1-3-b-1). Since there was no snap, A82 does not foul. This is similar to an illegal shift of the second kind foul. COMMENT: An infraction of the 9-yard marks is a dead ball foul but a hideout play where the "hideor" (legal term) was momentarily inside the 9-yard marks is a live ball foul. Just remember the difference.

6. RULING: A 1/10 B13. The 15-yard penalty for B44's personal foul is enforced from the end of A88's run, B's 26. Penalty enforcement for Team B personal fouls during a legal forward pass play are from the end of the last run when that run ends beyond the neutral zone and there is no change of team possession during the down. Under the previous rule, the penalty would be enforced from the previous spot since the foul occurred before the pass play ended. The pass play ended when A88 caught the ball. A player cannot catch or recover a ball while off the ground. And, a completed catch is redundant.

7. RULING: B 1/goal A2. Team B will accept the penalty half the distance from the spot of the foul and loss of down. The Pigskin Page intelligence division opines that if you replace "at the previous spot" with "per rule" in 10-2-4, this would be consistent with 10-2-2-b. This mental rewrite may assist officials who feel that the enforcement spot in this play is the previous spot per 10-2-4 although there is no evidence that this is a fact.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / August 23, 2016 / (q-1601a)