2. RULING: A 4/14 A46. No foul. Team A was not in a scrimmage kick formation since it was not obvious that a kick might be attempted. It would be a personal foul if B95's contact involved illegal striking.
3. RULING: A 4/1 B21; Ready. Team A will accept the 5-yard penalty for B98's offside foul. Team A had a legal formation since they had at least five linemen numbered 50-79. It is not a foul to snap the ball with less than seven linemen as long as there are at least five linemen who are numbered 50-79. The clock starts on the ready since the clock was stopped to complete a penalty (3-3-2-e-4). The clock does not start on the snap since Team B does not next snap the ball (3-3-2-d-3).
4. RULING: A 3/10 A20. Offsetting fouls. The down is replayed. Both teams committed live ball fouls. The ruling would be the same if B98 committed a personal foul during the down. If B98 lined up properly, it would be A 1/10 B23. Arithmetic indicates that B98's offside foul improved his team's status by 57 yards and two downs. B98 may get a game ball.
5. RULING: Game ends. Final score A28-B34. Team B's foul remains a live ball foul with the penalty enforced as a dead ball foul (9-2-1-b). The penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot. Since the try is not attempted, the penalty will not be enforced.
6. RULING: A 4/7 A35. The encroachment foul by A66 is a dead ball foul. All subsequent action was with a dead ball. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 40. Time may have to be put back on the clock.
7. RULING: Game ends. Final score A28-B24. The block by B44 is legal since B44 touched the ball before he blocked an opponent. The ball becomes dead when recovered by B45. The ruling is the same whether B44 gave a valid or invalid signal for a fair catch. The result of the play is a touchback.