RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 2nd/7 B17. The score is A22-B24. Team A is out of timeouts. A12 is sacked on B's 24. Team B was offside. At the end of the down, A66's helmet is on the ground without a helmet foul. The game clock shows 0:06 in the fourth quarter.

2. PLAY: 4th/6 A34. A88 is an exception to the numbering rule while lined up next to the snapper. There are eight offensive linemen. A88 moves to the backfield and stops. After all Team A players have set for a second, A88 moves up to his original position on the line. B44 catches A4's punt on B's 22 and fumble on A's 28. A66 recovers and advances the ball across B's goal line.

3. PLAY: 4th/22 A48. Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. The snap is muffed by A8 and while the ball is rolling on A's 42, A8 kicks the ball downfield. B99 recovers the ball on B's 30 and advances to A's 36 where he is downed.

4. PLAY: 3rd/goal B12. A33 takes a handoff, advances and fumbles on B's 4. A82 receives the ball with one foot touching B's goal line pylon. The ball is completely over the field of play on B's 1 when touched by A82. Game clock.

5. PLAY: 4th/2 A38. While A4's punt is rolling, A88 "flashes a bird" to B33 who is near him. The kick is illegally touched by A84 on B's 37. B66 recovers while grounded on B's 29.

6. PLAY: Try B3. A6's kick is blocked. B65 recovers the ball on B's 2 and, without momentum, retreats into his own end zone. As B65 is being tackled in his end zone, he throws the ball to the ground just in front of him.

7. PLAY: 3rd/10 B20. The score is A27-B28 late in the fourth quarter. A16 is on B's 26 when he throws a backward pass out of bounds to conserve time. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 33. The game clock shows 1:00. Clock?

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / October 6, 2014 / (q-1408q)