RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 4th/22 A28. The score is A28-B26. Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. The snap is muffed by A6 and while the ball is rolling on A's 22, A6 kicks the ball downfield. B44 recovers the ball on A's 38 and advances across A's goal line. Replay shows that B44 stepped on the sideline when the ball was 2.54 centimeters short of A's goal line. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.

2. PLAY: 2nd/7 A33. A88 replaces A84 but does not get inside the 9-yard mark. As A55 starts to snap the ball, and before the snap is complete, noseguard B94 bats the ball out of A55's hand.

3. PLAY: 3rd/3 B23. The score is A18-B20. A12 pitches the ball forward from B's 28 to A77 who muffs the ball on B's 27 and the pass falls incomplete. No eligible Team A receiver was within an area code of A77. The game clock shows 0:18 in the fourth quarter.

4. PLAY: 3rd/10 B20. The score is A27-B28. B44 recovers A16's fumble and runs out of bounds on A's 12. B96 was offside. After the penalty is enforced, making it A 3/5 B15, Team A sends in the field goal team. A55 commits an illegal snap foul. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the fourth quarter.

5. PLAY: 4th/goal B3. A4's field goal attempt is successful. B94 wipes out the kicker with a flagrant foul and is disqualified. A4 breaks his leg. Team A takes the three points.

6. PLAY: F/K A35. B44 receives the free kick on B’s 10 and advances to A’s 22 where he is downed. B87 and B88 link arms on B’s 23 and advance to B’s 33 where they block an opponent with their arms still linked.

7. PLAY: 4th/8 A42. B44 gives a valid signal for a fair catch on B's 10. Teammate B39 sees the fair catch signal and is on B's 14 facing B44 ready to recover in case B44 muffs the ball. A88 pushes B39 in the back on B's 14 to get into position also in case B44 muffs the ball. B44 does muff the ball on B's 8, recovers on B's 9 and immediately takes a step out of bounds on B's 10.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / October 6, 2014 / (q-1407q)