1. RULING: Game over. Final score A28-B26. The period is not extended if the foul is by the team in possession and the statement of the penalty includes loss of down (3-2-3-a-1). Team A was in possession when the foul occurred. Penalty statement for batting a loose ball: 10 yards and loss of down for fouls by Team A if the loss of down is not in conflict with other rules [Exception: No loss of down if the foul occurs when a legal scrimmage kick is beyond the neutral zone]. (Reference: 2014 NCAA Football Play Interpretations Bulletin #1, Play #6). NOTE: Pigskin Page attempts to have "at the option of the offended team" inserted into the second sentence of Rule 3-2-3-a-1 have been rejected by the NCAA.

2. RULING: A 2/2 A38. Dead ball foul by B94. There can only be dead ball offsetting fouls when each team commits a foul carrying a 15-yard penalty. The foul for not being inside the 9-yard marks is not a foul until the snap and is a dead ball foul. Similarily, Team A players must be set for one second prior to the snap. There is no snap until the snap is completed. Since the foul by B94 occurs before the end of the snap, there is no foul by A84. (A.R. 7-1-5-II)

3. RULING: A 4/8 B28; Ready. Illegal forward pass. The penalty is loss of down at the spot of the foul, B's 28 (7-3-2-g). The penalty will be accepted. Since the pass was an incomplete illegal forward pass (3-4-4-a-3), the penalty was accepted and the game clock is under one minute in a half, ZAP 10 applies. Team B will elect the ZAP 10. The game clock will be set to 0:08.

4. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The clock started on the ready after enforcement of the penalty for B96's offside foul since the clock was stopped when B44, not a Team A player, ran out of bounds (A.R. 3-3-2-V). The illegal snap stops the clock. Team B will accept the penalty and elect the ZAP 10.

5. RULING: A f/k A35. DQ B94. The penalty is declined by rule if Team A accepts the points. This is a fact during regulation and extra periods. The penalty would be enforced on the kickoff if the foul occurred during a try in regulation and from the succeeding spot if the foul occurred during a try in extra periods.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B28. Teammates of the ball carrier or passer may interfere for him by blocking but shall not use interlocked interference by grasping or encircling one another in any manner while contacting an opponent (9-3-2-c). The 5-yard, yes 5-yard, penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, B’s 33. The spot of the foul is where there was first contact with the opponent, B’s 33. These two players formed a wedge but it takes three players to form an illegal wedge. This play occurred in a game played on October 29, 2011.

7. RULING: A 4/18 A32; Snap. The ball becomes dead when recovered by B44. A88 is not able to legally recover the ball so A88 fouls when he pushes B39 in the back. The push in the back would be legal after B44 muffed the ball provided B44 did not have an opportunity to complete the catch. Team B is likely to accept the 10-yard penalty from the previous spot, A's 42. If Team B wants the ball, the 10-yard penalty would be enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 8. It would be B 1/10 B18; Snap.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / October 6, 2014 / (q-1407a)