2. PLAY: 3rd/10 B20. A24 fumbles on B's 12 and the ball rolls out of bounds on B's 9. After the ball rolls out of bounds, A76 blocks late. The clock shows 0:09 in the first half. Time on game clock? Ready or snap if applicable?
3. PLAY: 4th/4 B24. B44 recovers A82's fumble and runs out of bounds on B's 40. Team B was offside. The game clock shows 1:59 or less in either half. The penalty is accepted. Game clock?
4. PLAY: 4th/10 B30. Potential holder A4, with a knee down and A7 in position to kick the ball, passes the ball forward to blocking back A36 who advances to B's 22 where he fumbles. The ball is batted backward by B94 and rolls out of bounds on B's 18. At the snap, B44 ran forward toward the neutral zone, leaped from beyond the neutral zone and landed on right guard A66.
5. PLAY: 4th/10 A30. B44 is in position to catch A6's punt on B's 40. A88 blocks B47 in the back into B44. The ball hits B47 on B's 40 and A84 recovers the ball on B's 38.
6. PLAY: 4th/2 B32. Team A calls a trap play where the left tackle is to trap the noseguard. Snapper A55 is blocking noseguard B98 at the thigh when left tackle A77 takes two steps to his right and blocks B98 at the knees. A34 takes a delayed handoff and runs up the middle behind A77's block to B's 24 where he is downed.
7. PLAY: 3rd/6 A14. A 11's legal forward pass is caught on A's 16 by A88 who advances to A's 33 where he fumbles. B22 recovers the ball on A's 36 and advances to A's 2 where he is hit and fumbles. The ball hits the goal line pylon. Team A had an illegal formation. B65 committed a block in the back foul on A's 7 during B22's run.