2. RULING: A 4/17 B27; Ready. Game clock: 0:09. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 12. There is no 10-second subtraction since the clock was stopped when the fumble went out of bounds. The clock starts on the ready when a Team A fumble goes forward and out of bounds between the goal lines.
3. RULING: A 1/10 B19; Ready. The clock would start on the ready regardless of the time on the game clock (3-3-2-e-1). If the penalty did not result in a first down, the clock would also start on the ready. The ruling is different if a Team A ball carrier ran out of bounds (3-3-2-d-2).
4. RULING: B 1/10 B22. The forward fumble and out of bounds between the goal lines rule applies and the ball is returned to the spot of the fumble, B's 22. The ball is short of the line to gain. B94 did not foul because he batted the ball backward in the field of play. Although not releavnt in this play, B94 did not add new impetus since the ball did not go into B's end zone. B44 does not foul because leaping is only considered a foul when a kick is made (9-1-11). There was no kick.
5. RULING: B 1/10 B48. A player blocked by an opponent into a scrimmage kick that has crossed the neutral zone shall not, while inbounds, be deemed to have touched the ball (6-3-4-a). The last known interpretation was that the rule applies whether the player is pushed into the ball or the ball hits the player who was pushed. B44 is not deemed to have touched the ball. The spot of A84's illegal touching is also the spot of an illegal recovery. Team B is likely to have the 10-yard penalty for A88's block in the back foul enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 38.
6. RULING: A 1/10 B24. Legal blocks by A55 and A77. High-high and low-low blocks, with or without a delay, are not chop blocks. In this play, snapper A55 may, or may not, have missed his blocking assignment. The low-low block may be more likely to occur when the snapper and guard fire out at an opponent in a double team block and both block at the thigh or below. NOTE: The rules committee determines whether or not this is a legal block. Officials do not have the authority to flag this block in the interest of player safety or any other well-intentioned reason.
7. RULING: A 3/6 A14. There is a change of team possession and both teams commit a foul during the down. Team B is the last team to gain possession. Since Team B did not foul prior to gaining possession, they have the option to decline or accept offsetting fouls. They will most likely take offsetting fouls and force a replay of the down. If Team B were to decline offsetting fouls, Team A would have the option to accept or decline the penalty for Team B's foul. In that case, Team A would most likely decline the penalty for Team B's foul and take the result of the play, a touchback. It would be A 1/10 A20.