RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 4th/10 A40. A4's punt is illegally touched by A88 on B's 12. B44 recovers on B's 8 and advances to B's 27 where he fumbles. A66 recovers and crosses B's goal line. During A66's run, A66 taunts B77 with the ball on B's 6 and B96 gives a throat slash towards A66.

2. PLAY: 4th/10 A10. The score is A28-B27. A4's punt is blocked and the ball does not cross the neutral zone. B66 bats the grounded ball backward from A's 2, the ball hits A88 on A's 3 and rolls into A's end zone. A4 picks up the ball in A's end zone and punts again. The ball is blocked again and rolls backward and out of bounds in A's end zone without entering the field of play. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.

3. PLAY: 2nd/8 B30. The score is A27-B28. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A88 advances to B's 23 where he fumbles with 0:02 on the clock. The ball is muffed by several players and finally rolls out of bounds on B's 18. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down. Replay shows that A88 was down before the ball came out.

4. PLAY: 2nd/10 B20. The score is A27-B28. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A27 advances to B's 19 and throws the backward pass out of bounds to conserve time. The ball goes out of bounds on B's 26. When the down ends, the clock shows 0:16 in the fourth quarter. Game clock?

5. PLAY: 2nd/13 A37. On A's 30, A24 takes the ball out of A17's hand on a Statue of Liberty play and advances to A's 46 where he is downed. B96 is flagged for a personal foul while A17 was holding the ball.

6. PLAY: F/K A35. B44 is running toward his own goal line to recover the bouncing ball. He picks up the ball on B's 4 and his original momentum carries him into his end zone where he is downed. During the kick, B55 held A86 on B's 32.

7. PLAY: 4th/17 A13. A4's punt is blocked and hits on A's 16. The ball takes a reverse bounce and is rolling on A's 8 when B96 bats the ball forward. B94 recovers in A's end zone.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / September 9, 2014/ (q-1404q)