1. RULING: B retry B's 1-1/2. The ball becomes dead when recovered by A88. The 10-yard penalty for B96's illegal batting foul is enforced half the distance from the previous spot, B's 3. Team A may elect lateral placement of the ball.

2. RULING: B 1/10 B17. A player of Team B who has made a waving signal for a fair catch and does not touch the ball shall not block or foul an opponent during that down. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul when the foul occurs during a free kick (6-5-4-Penalty). The down is replayed if the penalty is declined.

3. RULING: B 1/10 A43. The ball becomes dead where caught by A99. No substitute may interfere in any way with the ball or a player while the ball is in play (9-2-3-a). All fouls by the kicking team except kick catch interference may be enforced at the previous spot or at the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. This rule does not apply to field goal attempts. The most advantageous option is for Team B to take the ball. If the 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, A's 30, it would be A 4/25 A15.

4. RULING: A 2/15 A35; Snap. The referee will invoke Rule 3-4-3 and start the clock on the snap. The referee's judgment in invoking Rule 3-4-3 is based on the score, time, down, weather conditions, etc. Application of Rule 3-4-3 is not dependent upon whether the team fouled in an obvious attempt to consume time regardless of the technical wording of the rule. The referee need not read intent. Rule 3-4-3 does not apply when less than one minute remains in a half since Rule 3-4-4 kicks in.

5. RULING: A 4/8 B38. The game clock shows 0:21. Team A is given the opportunity to rescind their team timeout based on the new facts and circumstances. If they rescind the team timeout, the clock starts on the ready. It they keep the team timeout, the clock starts on the snap.

6. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. The score is A30-B28. The ball did not become dead behind Team B's goal line. The result of the play is not a touchback. The result of the play is B's ball on B's 4. The basic enforcement spot is B's goal line since B29's run ended in B's end zone (8-5-1-b). Team A will accept the 15-yard penalty which results in a safety. Team A scores two points. The fourth quarter is extended for a free kick by Team B since a penalty was accepted for a live ball foul that occurred during a down in which time expired in a period and there are no exceptions. (10-2-2-d-2-c)

7. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. Team A scores two points. The field goal is ruled unsuccessful since the ball touched a Team A player before crossing over the crossbar between the uprights. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does apply when a field goal attempt is unsuccessful. The basic spot is B's 20. The foul occurred behind the basic spot in B's end zone.

Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / August 24, 2014 / (q-1402a)