RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 3rd/18 A42. A16 is sacked on A's 28. Time expires in the first half during the down. Team A commits an illegal shift foul. B96 commits an unsportsmanlike foul after the down ends. Team A is expected to receive to start the second half and would like Team B to free kick from their 20.

2. PLAY: 4th/goal B4. The score is A28-B28. A3's field goal attempt is blocked and does not cross the neutral zone. The ball is rolling on B's 5 when B96 kicks (implies intentionally) the ball. B47 picks up the ball in B's end zone and advances across A's goal line. Time expires in the fourth quarter before B47 recovers the ball.

3. PLAY: 2nd/10 A40. The snapper adjusts the ball. Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. A88 is an exception to the mandatory numbering. A89, on the end of the line, moves into the backfield leaving A88 on the end of the line. A89 then legally moves back to the line and covers A88 prior to the snap. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 6.

4. PLAY: 4th/8 B45. A4 punts. B33 bats the rolling ball from B's 6 into B's end zone. B44 recovers the ball in B's end zone and advances to B's 7 where he is downed. B55 holds A84 on B's 8 during the kick and before the bat by B33.

5. PLAY: 4th/8 B23. Extra Period. First Series. A6's field goal attempt is blocked behind the neutral zone by B96. B47 muffs the kick on B's 17 and A88 recovers on B's 9.

6. PLAY: 2nd/8 B24. The score is A28-B28. QB A14's legal forward pass is intercepted by B47 in B's end zone where he fumbles. B63 recovers on B's 4 and advances to B's 9 where he is downed. During the fumble, B56 clipped A74 on B's 6. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.

7. PLAY: 4th/2 A38. Score: A28-B26. A4's punt is returned by B44 to A's 14 where he fumbles. The ball is muffed (no new impetus) and finally hits Team A's goal line pylon. Team A was called for holding during the punt. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / November 25, 2013 / (q-1314q)