1. RULING: A 1/10 B48. Team A is SOL. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty for the illegal shift. The period will be extended. The 15-yard penalty for B96's foul is then enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 37. Team A may not elect to have the penalty enforced to start the second half because the illegal shift foul occurred before the end of the first half. If Team B declines the 5-yard penalty (Team B will not), then the 15-yard penalty would be enforced to start the second half since the foul is considered to have occurred after the end of the first half.

2. RULING: Safety. Two points awarded to Team A. Game over. The final score is A30-B28. The ball became dead when it touched the ground in B's end zone since the status of the ball is still a kick and no player of Team B touched the ball after the kick crossed the neutral zone. The impetus for the ball being in B's end zone is the illegal kicking by B96. Team A will decline the penalty for the illegal kicking foul by B96. The result would be the same if B96 batted the ball backward although it would not be a foul.

3. RULING: B 1/10 B6. A88 became an exception to the mandatory numbering when the snapper adjusted the ball. A88 must be covered at the snap. The fact that A88 was on the end of the line after the snapper adjusted the ball and before the snap is not an infraction of Rule 7-1-4-a-5. The fact that A88 was covered at the snap governs.

4. RULING: B 1/10 B4; Snap. When a kick ends in B's end zone, the postscrimmage kick spot is B's 20. Even though the bat by B33 added new impetus, the status of the ball is still a scrimmage kick. The end of the kick is B's end zone and so the postscrimmage kick spot is B's 20. Therefore, the holding penalty is enforced from B's 8, the spot of the foul. If B44 did not make it out of B's end zone, the result of the play would be a safety.

5. RULING: A 1/goal B9. A Team B player touched the ball after the ball crossed the neutral zone. There was no change of team possession during the down. If there was a change of team possession during the down, Team A would not be able to have a new series of downs and their series would end. Since there was no change of team possession during the down, Team A next puts the ball in play.

6. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. The score is A30-B28. The ball did not become dead behind Team B's goal line. The result of the play is not a touchback. The result of the play is B's ball on B's 9. The basic enforcement spot is B's goal line since B47's run ended in B's end zone. Team A will accept the 15-yard penalty which results in a safety. Team A scores two points. The fourth quarter is extended for a free kick by Team B since a penalty was accepted for a live ball foul that occurred during the last timed down of a period and the statement of the penalty does not include a loss of down.

7. RULING: A 4/12 A28. The period is extended with an untimed down. Since there is no "spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B," Team B's only penalty option is to have the penalty enforced at the previous spot, thus extending the quarter for Team A to snap the ball in an untimed down. If Team A is smart, they will simply take a knee. If B44's fumble went out of bounds on A's 8, for example, it would be B 1/goal A7 with the period extended.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu November 25, 2013 / (q-1314a)