1. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. The status of the ball remained a scrimmage kick after the batting by B96. Since the ball was batted backward, B96's bat is legal. But, B96's batting did impart new impetus. A77 has recovered a kick that has crossed the neutral zone and is not in legal possession of the ball since a Team B player did not touch the ball after the punt crossed the neutral zone. The illegal touching in B's end zone gives the receiving team the ball at the spot of the illegal touching resulting in a safety due to impetus.

2. RULING: B 1/10 A22. A88 commits an interference with opportunity foul and also a grasping the face mask personal foul. This is similar to a defensive pass interference foul that involves a personal foul. Since the touching by B84 was the result of the contact by A88, B84 is judged not to have touched the ball. A68 commits an illegal touching violation when he recovers the ball on A's 37. The 15-yard penalty for the personal foul will be enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 37. If A68 recovered the ball on A's 48, for example, Team B would accept the penalty for the interference with opportunity foul. It would be B 1/10 A30. NOTE: A tack on penalty is enforced from the spot of illegal touching only when the spot of illegal touching is the same as the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B.

3. RULING: B 1/10 A38. No Team A player may block an opponent until Team A is eligible to touch a free kicked ball. A87 commits an illegal blocking foul. The touching by B92 is ignored since he touched the ball as the result of the block by A87. Since the ball did not go 10 yards nor was touched by a Team B player, A82 committed an illegal touching violation which is an illegal recovery. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 43. Team B could, but will not, accept the penalty enforced from the previous spot. If A82 recovered on A's 47, it would be A f/k A30.

4. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. A Team B player touched the ball after the ball crossed the neutral zone. Team A legally recovered a scrimmage kick in B's end zone. The ruling would be the same if the batted ball hit the ground in B's end zone before the recovery by A85 in B's end zone.

5. RULING: A f/k A35. Team B scores two points. DQ A66. Team B declines the penalty for A66's foul and takes the result of the play which is the two points. If A66's foul occurred after Team B possession, the 15-yard penalty would be enforced on the succeeding free kick making it A f/k A20. If Team B was offside on this play, the score would not count, the fouls would offset, the penalties would cancel and it would be A retry B3. NOTE: The official who calls the foul must be aware when team possession changes. The replay official is out of it.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B30. Since the ball was not touched by a Team B player after the kick crossed the neutral zone, the ball was illegally touched by a Team A player in B's end zone . A88 committed an illegal kicking foul during the scrimmage kick play. Since the illegal touching occurred in B's end zone, Team B may elect the illegal touching violation before penalty enforcement. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 20. NOTE: Team B would not have this option if the penalty was accepted for a foul committed during the down after the kick ended.

7. RULING: A 3/7 A33. Dead ball foul. False start of the second kind. After a huddle or shift and before the snap, all Team A players must come to a stop and remain stationary for at least one full second before the ball is snapped. NOTE: Substitute A33 does not really satisfy 2-27-9-b to become a player. However, rules are difficult to write to cover all possibilities. Common sense prevails. Shut it down at the snap.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu November 21, 2013 / (q-1313a)