RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 4th/11 A49. A18's bounding punt lands on B's 3 and takes a bounce over B's end zone. A88 reaches into B's end zone and bats the ball back into the field of play. B44 recovers on B's 5 and fumbles on B's 22. A66 recovers on B's 23 and is tackled by the face mask on B's 8.

2. PLAY: A 2/9 B19. A84 grabs A16's legal forward pass while airborne in B's end zone near the end line. A84 lands on a defender who is lying on the ground inbounds. The receiver falls backward and his first contact with the ground is out of bounds over the end line.

3. PLAY: 4th/10 A30. B44 catches A4's punt on B's 40, cuts toward the sideline and advances across Team A's goal line. Officials signal touchdown but have a flag down for B66's block in the back foul on A's 32. Replay shows that B44 stepped out of bounds on A's 35. The foul occurred after B44 stepped out of bounds.

4. PLAY: 4th/6 A44. B44 catches A6's punt on B's 10 and advances to B's 24 where he fumbles. B58 recovers on B's 30 and runs out of bounds on B's 45. A85 grabbed and twisted B44's face mask on B's 22 during B44's advance. Team A had 5 players in the backfield.

5. PLAY: 4th/2 A38. A6’s punt is blocked by B96. The ball is high and coming down on A’s 40 where B75 and A64 jostle each other while waiting to catch the ball. B75 jumps and muffs the ball followed by A64 muffing the airborne ball. A55 recovers the ball on A’s 42.

6. PLAY: 4th/8 A32. A5 punts. B44 gives a valid signal for a fair catch on B's 38. B44 muffs the ball on B's 40. A85 then catches the ball on B's 39 just as B44 is about to catch the ball. B44 grabs and twists A85's face mask on B's 39 and pulls A85 to the ground.

7. PLAY: 3rd/goal B8. A5 throws a legal forward pass toward A88 who is near B's end line. B44 jumps from out of bounds, receives the pass while airborne and lands inbounds. B44 runs to attempt to elude A88 but A88 grabs and twists B44's face mask. B44 is downed while still in B's end zone.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / October 14, 2013 / (q-1308q)