1. RULING: A 1/goal B4. The foul occurred during A66's run. The 15-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the end of A66's run, B's 8. If the penalty is declined, it will not, Team B will take the ball at the spot of illegal touching and that results in a touchback. If Team B's foul occurred during the kick, it would be A 1/10 B36. Postscrimmage kick enforcement would not apply since Team B will not next put the ball in play.

2. RULING: A 3/9 B19. The receiver must return to the ground inbounds with any part of his body to complete the catch. A84 landed on a defender, not the ground, and his first contact with the ground was out of bounds. If A84 landed on a defender on B's 1/2, for example, and the ball penetrated the plane of B's goal line when A84 hit the ground, it would be a touchdown. It would not be a catch until A84 hits the ground.

3. RULING: B 1/10 A35. The fact that B44 stepped out of bounds is reviewable. Since B44 stepping out of bounds is reviewable, the replay official will inform the referee whether the foul occurred before B44 stepped out of bounds or after B44 stepped out of bounds. Since the foul occurred after B44 stepped out of bounds, the flag is picked up since the foul is not a personal or unsportsmanlike foul. The replay official will not only notify the referee of the out of bounds spot but also the time on the game clock when B44 stepped out of bounds. The replay official may not buzz to rule on (a) whether or not this was a foul; (b) if a foul, whether it was a block in the back or perhaps a clipping foul; or (c) when the foul occurred if, in fact, the officials did rule that B44 stepped out of bounds.

4. RULING: B 1/10 50. The spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B is B's 45. The 5-yard penalty for Team A's illegal formation foul will be enforced from the spot. The 15-yard penalty for A85's face mask personal foul would be enforced from the end of B44's run, B's 24, and not tacked on where the dead ball belongs to Team B. Therefore, that penalty is declined. A85's foul occurred after the scrimmage kick play ended.

5. RULING: B 1/10 A25. The result of the play is A 1/10 A42 since B75 was the first player to touch the ball after the kick crossed the neutral zone. The neutral zone is expanded three yards for the blocking of a low scrimmage kick. Otherwise it is not expanded. A64 interfered with B75’s opportunity to catch the kick. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A’s 40. If no Team A player was near B75, it would be A 1/10 A42. NOTE: Play occurred in 2010 Division III game.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B39. B44 muffed the ball and had an opportunity to catch the ball in the immediate vicinity of the muff. A88 commits an interference with opportunity foul on B's 39. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, B's 39. The ball became dead when caught by A85. The 15-yard penalty for B44's dead ball foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 46.

7. RULING: B 1/10 B35. There is no restriction on a Team B player going out of bounds and returning back inbounds. B44 completed the catch. The result of the play is a touchback. The 15-yard penalty for A88's face mask foul is enforced from B's 20.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu October 17, 2013 / (q-1308a)