1. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. A7 threw a backward pass out of bounds but not to conserve time. Thus, this is not an illegal pass. The impetus came from the backward pass. It would not be an illegal batting foul if A7 batted the loose ball from the field of play through A's end zone. It would be an illegal kicking foul if A7 kicked the loose ball from the field of play through A's end zone.

2. RULING: A f/k A35. Team B did not foul prior to the change of team possession. Thus, the try is not replayed. The try would also not be replayed if the only foul on the return was by Team B. If the only foul during the return was by Team A, the score would count and it would also be A f/k A35. The penalty for the Team A personal foul would be enforced on the free kick only if the foul was flagrant and not part of offsetting fouls. The try would be replayed from B's 3 if, for example, B98 was offside.

3. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. A87 recovered a live ball in B's end zone. A free kick does not become dead until the ball, untouched by a Team B player, touches the ground in B's end zone. A87 may legally touch the free kick after the kick has gone 10 yards or touched a Team B player.

4. RULING: A 4/13 A37. A88 fouls when he returns inbounds during the down since he did not return inbounds immediately after being blocked out of bounds. Team A is in possession when the down ends so the 5-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, A's 42. The 5-yard penalty would be tacked on if Team B was in possession when the down ends. Under the current rule, this would be a foul even if A88 was blocked out of bounds after B44 got possession, ran out of bounds for several yards and then returned inbounds. A rule change request from the Pigskin Page was submitted in prior years. It would change "scrimmage kick down" to "scrimmage kick play" in Rule 6-3-12.

5. RULING: A f/k A30. The block by B96 on kicker A4 is legal since A4 has advanced five yards beyond his restraining line. Also, the kick has touched the ground. The penalty is 15 yards if the kicker is blocked before advancing the five yards and the kick has not touched the ground. The block by A88 on B62 is an illegal block since a Team A player was not eligible to touch the free kicked ball. The penalty is five yards from the previous spot. The "tack on" or "carryover" penalty enforcement does not apply since the subsequent dead ball does not belong to Team B.

6. RULING: B 1/10 B37. The series ends when Team A fails to make a first down on fourth down. The penalties for the first two dead ball fouls by B56 and A27 were completed when reported to the referee and cancel. Fouls offset. Penalties cancel. The 15-yard penalty for the dead ball personal foul by A78 (counts as an unsportsmanlike foul for disqualification purposes in 2013) is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 22.

7. RULING: B 1/10 B11. Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies. Team B will decline offsetting fouls. Team A will then accept the penalty for B87's foul. The postscrimmage kick spot is the previous spot, B's 28. The 15-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the spot of the foul, B's 22. If the attempt was successful, the fouls would offset and the down would be replayed. If Team A was in a legal formation and the field goal was successful, Team A could accept the 15-yard penalty enforced from the previous spot. It would be A 1/10 B14. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply on successful field goals.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu October 7, 2013 / (q-1307a)