1. RULING: B 1/10 A48. Since the second spot of illegal touching, B's 22, is the same as the dead ball spot, then that spot can be the enforcement spot for fouls committed by Team A during the down. Since the first spot of illegal touching, B's 28, is not the same as the dead ball spot, this spot of illegal touching may not be used as the enforcement spot. The 15-yard penalty for A58's live ball personal foul is enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 22. The 15-yard penalty for A84's dead ball noncontact foul is then enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 37.

2. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. The score is A30-B28. A33 recovered the backward pass and advanced for a touchdown. There was no fumble as A15 never had control of the ball. It is highly unlikely that this would be ruled a fumble unless A15 had control of the ball and was hit, for example, by a pulling guard. The try is attempted since Team B could score two points. There is no reason to throw a bean bag.

3. RULING: B 1/10 B35. The touching occurred in B's end zone and the foul occurred during the punt play. The options are (a) Team B may elect the touchback before the penalty is enforced. The 15-yard penalty is then enforced from B's 20. (b) Team B could have the penalty enforced from the previous spot, B's 46. It would be A 4/21 A39. (c) Team B could have the penalty enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 12. It would be B 1/10 B27. Team B will most likely take option (a). Team B will most likely take option (c) if B74 recovered the ball while grounded in advance of B's 20.

4. RULING: B 1/10 B22. Adjust the game clock. A live ball becomes dead when a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone or a free kick is caught or recovered by any player after a valid or invalid fair catch signal (4-1-3- g). This play is handled the same as if B44 caught the punt with a knee on the ground. In either case, the ball becomes dead when caught or recovered. NOTE: Common sense dictates that the crew would ignore the delay foul. However, 15-yard penalties would be enforced.

5. RULING: B 1/10 B12; Snap. A simultaneous catch or recovery of a scrimmage kick makes the ball dead. A kick declared dead in joint possession of opposing players is awarded to the receiving team regardless of the down. The ball must cross the neutral zone, be untouched by a player of Team B after the kick crosses the neutral zone and then become dead beyond the neutral zone to go to B's 20. (NOTE: If A63 recovered on B's 12 while grounded, it would be A 4/goal B12. The clock would still start on the snap.)

6. RULING: A 1/1 B3; Ready. B66 commits an illegal batting foul when he bats the fumble forward. Whether the ball is airborne or grounded is not relevant. The basic enforcement spot is the end of A18's run, B's 6. The 10-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from that spot. The yardage is still short of a first down.

7. RULING: A 1/10 A42; Ready. The clock was stopped for the inadvertent whistle. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A36's run, A's 27, and carries a first down. Rule 4-1-2-b-2, inadvertent whistle, does not kick in unless the penalty is declined. This penalty will be accepted.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu September 26, 2013 / (q-1305a)