2. PLAY: 3rd/5 B20. Defensive back B44 intercepts a forward pass at the B-3 and his momentum carries him into his end zone. While still in the end zone he fumbles the ball. It rolls forward, goes into the field of play, and in the scramble A33 kicks the ball into the end zone and over the end line.
3. PLAY: Try B18. The penalty for a Team A unsportsmanlike foul after the touchdown has been enforced on the try. A7's kick is blocked and rolls beyond the neutral zone. A76 muffs the ball on B's 2. B56 then muffs the ball on B's 1. The ball rolls into B's end zone where A64 recovers the ball.
4. PLAY: 4th/18 A12. The score is A28-B28. A6's punt is blocked and does not cross the neutral zone. A44 recovers and throws a forward pass from A's end zone. A88 catches the pass on A's 4 and advances to B's 6 where he is downed. Three seconds remain in the fourth quarter. Game clock?
5. PLAY: 3rd/12 B32. The score is A24-B24. B44 intercepts A17's legal forward pass on B's 4 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. B77 recovers on B's 4 while grounded. During the fumble, B77 pulls A77's jersey on B's 2 as A77 attempts to recover the ball. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.
6. PLAY: 4th/5 A15. Score: A28-B27. A77, aligned in the backfield shield, blocks B96 below the waist and in front. A9, anticipating his kick being blocked, tucks the ball and advances to A's 16 where he is downed. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.
7. PLAY: 4th/4 B44. First quarter. Game clock shows 12:36. The weather includes rain, wind and cold. A7 punts. B44 catches the ball on B's 19 and advances to A's 4 where he fumbles. A84 recovers the ball in A's end zone and is advancing on A's 3 when he fumbles. An inadvertent whistle sounds while the ball is loose from A84's fumble.