2. RULING: A 4/2 A38. The ball became dead when the ball was touched by B66 who was out of bounds. A74 recovered a dead ball. The fumble went forward and out of bounds even though it did not cross the plane of the sideline. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble, A's 38.
3. RULING: A 2/18 B48. A88 commits a false start. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 43. The two personal fouls offset. The two penalties cancel. The penalty for the first personal foul was not completed when the second personal foul occurred. Only dead ball personal and unsportsmanlike fouls can offset each other. If A66 had not fouled, it would be A 1/10 B33.
4. RULING: B 1/10 A18. Team B is likely to take the ball at the inbounds spot where the backward pass went out of bounds. Team B may not elect penalty enforcement from where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B since this is not a scrimmage kick play. If Team B accepts the penalty, it is a safety since the enforcement spot is in Team A's end zone. Team B might consider accepting the penalty if they are behind by nine or more points late in the fourth quarter.
5. RULING: A 4th/8 A22. Team A accepts the ZAP 10. The game clock is set to 0:29 and starts on the ready. The play clock is set to 25 seconds per rule and also starts on the ready. If B96's helmet had not come off, the play clock would be set to 40 seconds and Team A would let the time run out. COMMENT: The exercise is left to the student as to what might happen in the four seconds after Team A next puts the ball in play.
6. RULING: Score canceled. Try ends. A f/k A35 . The score remains A26-B28. A12 throws a second forward pass which is an illegal forward pass. Because the pass is illegal, there can be no pass interference. Since the contact was not a personal foul or holding, there is no foul. The try is not replayed as the penalty includes loss of down.
7. RULING: A 1/10 A40. This is not a roughing the passer foul since A19 was not a passer when the foul occurred. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot and carries a first down. Team A will sacrifice the five yards and A 3/5 A45 if they accept the penalty in order to get the first down.