RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 4th/goal B15. The ball, in A88's possession, crosses the sideline on B's 2 as A88 dives for the right goal line pylon. Subsequently, A88 reaches the ball over the goal line extended with his right hand after which he touches the pylon with his left hand. However, A88 lost possession of the ball, which hits the ground out of bounds, just before his hand touches the pylon.

2. PLAY: 2nd/3 B33. Score is A24-B28. Team A is out of timeouts in the fourth quarter. A17 runs to B's 24 where he throws the ball forward and incomplete to stop the clock. The game clock shows 0:09.

3. PLAY: 4th/8 A32. A7's punt is blocked, lands on A's 36, takes a reverse bounce and is recovered by A67 on A's 27. Team A had five players in the backfield. B96 commits a holding foul on A's 29 during the kick.

4. PLAY: f/k A35. Team A's pooch kick is on its downward flight on A's 47. No Team B players are in the vicinity. A88, who had voluntarily stepped out of bounds, leaps from out of bounds and, while airborne, bats the kick backward and towards the field of play. The ball lands inbounds on A's 44 where it is recovered by grounded A74. After batting the ball, A88 lands out of bounds.

5. PLAY: 3rd/6 B16. A17's legal forward pass, in the direction of A89, is intercepted by B44 in B's end zone where he is downed. B44 pushed A89 out of the way before intercepting the pass and was flagged by the BJ for defensive pass interference. The HL states that the pass was touched by a player before B44 pushed A89. The SJ states that B44 voluntarily stepped out of bounds before returning inbounds to intercept the pass.

6. PLAY: 4th/2 A28. B44 catches A4's punt and advances to A's 6 where he fumbles. The ball rolls into and out of A's end zone. Team A was flagged for an illegal formation.

7. PLAY: 4/10 A40. A4's punt is illegally touched by A88 on B's 22. B44 recovers on B's 18 and advances to B's 27 when he fumbles. A66 recovers and scores. During A66's run, A66 taunts B77 with the ball on B’s 6.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / August 25, 2013 / (q-1301q)