2. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The clock is started on the ready because a Team B ball carrier, not a Team A ball carrier, ran out of bounds (AR 3-3-2-V). The period is not extended because the foul did not occur during a down in which time expires. The Umpire need not stay over the ball because Team B is not making substitutions.
3. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The result of the play is a safety. However, A82 committed an illegal touching violation on B's 9. Team B elects to take the ball at the spot of the violation. There is no reason to extend the period. If A82 did not touch the ball, Team A would be awarded one point and the game would go into an extra period.
4. RULING: B 1/goal A9. The foul is illegally kicking a loose ball, not an illegal kick. The 10-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the spot of the foul, A's 18, and carries a loss of down. The penalty cannot be enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B since there was no legal kick. If there was a legal kick that was blocked and did not cross the neutral zone, then the illegal kicking foul on A's 18 would result in B 1/goal A6.
5. RULING: A retry B4. The ball must be snapped on the left hash mark. After a foul by Team A on a successful try, the ball shall be put in play where the penalty leaves the ball. This also applies when there are offsetting fouls. The option to put the ball in play on or between the hash marks becomes null and void if Team A fouls or there are offsetting fouls during the try sequence following a touchdown. There has been no known change in interpretation.
6. RULING: Touchdown. The game ends with the final score A31-B28. Since Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation and it is reasonable that a scrimmage kick will be attempted, the five linemen numbered 50-79 requirement is waived. The interior linemen are numbering exceptions and ineligible receivers. The players on the end of the line are eligible receivers unless they are numbered 50-79. There is no need to play the try since one team is ahead by more than two points.
7. RULING: B 1/10 A39. Team B will decline the penalty for A66's foul and keep the ball. Penalties for all fouls by the kicking team other than kick-catch interference during a free kick play or a scrimmage kick play (except field goal attempts) are enforced either at the previous spot or the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. The scrimmage kick play ended when A88 gained possession. Therefore, A66 did not foul during a scrimmage kick play so there is no tack-on.