2. RULING: Game over. The final score is A24-B28. Illegal forward pass of the second variety. A24 did not receive the snap. A16 received the snap. ZAP 10 applies. (Reference: 2012 CFO Quiz #1 dated September 6, 2012; Play #6)
3. RULING: A 1/10 B33; Ready. The ball remained a dead ball when A56 snapped the ball. The signal is S21, delay of game. The penalty for any dead ball foul incurred after a series ends and before the next ready for play signal shall be enforced before the line to gain is established. Thus, the stakes are reset after the 5-yard penalty is enforced. There is no ZAP 10 option since the clock was stopped when the foul occurred. The R needs to seriously consider winding simultaneously with the U getting his butt off the ball. (Reference: 2012 NCAA Football Bulletin #1 dated July 25, 2012; Play #1)
4. RULING: A 1/10 B13. Defensive pass interference. The pass was catchable so Team A only has the option of accepting the penalty for defensive pass interference. If the pass was not catchable, then the foul would be holding (A 1/goal B9). If B44's foul was also a personal foul, then the penalty for the personal foul (A 1/goal B9) would be more advantageous than the penalty for defensive pass interference (A 1/10 B13). if the foul occurred on B's 6, for example, the penalty for defensive pass interference (A 1/goal B6) would be more advantageous than the penalty for the personal foul (A 1/goal B9).
5. RULING: B 1/10 B6, Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies since Team B would next snap the ball because the result of the play is a touchback (10-2-3-b-5). Team A is considered to be in legal possession when the ball becomes dead but that is not relevant in the postscrimmage kick enforcement rule.
6. RULING: A 1/10 A44. A88 was not out of bounds when he touched the ball. His batting of the ball backward is legal. The recovery of the ball by A66 is legal since the ball touched a player who was beyond Team B's restraining line. This is similar to an airborne receiver touching a legal forward pass when the ball is beyond the neutral zone. A88 would foul only if he came back inbounds. The restriction for touching the ball after he returns inbounds was taken out a few years ago. If this was a legal forward pass, A88 would have committed illegal touching (7-3-4). NOTE: A player cannot catch or recover a ball while airborne. A completed catch is redundant. It is a catch or not a catch.
7. RULING: B 1/10 B35. The basic enforcement spot is the 20-yard line when a foul occurs after a change of team possession in the end zone and the result of the play is a touchback {10-2-9-d-2-(a)}. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble when the fumble goes forward and out of bounds between the goal lines. The ball is considered as remaining in B's end zone. The penalty would be enforced from B's goal line if the ball was recovered by either team while grounded on B's 4.