RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap, if ZAP 10 is a factor or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: 2nd/7 B37. Prior to the snap, A82 replaces A87 who leaves the field. B96 breaks from his end position into the backfield and the play is shut down. A82 never got inside the numbers.

2. PLAY: 3rd/8 B18. Fourth quarter. The score is A27-B28. The game clock shows 0:56. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A33 is downed on B's 12 with 0:48 on the game clock. Team A sends in the field goal team and stands around waiting for the play clock to expire. The play clock expires.

3. PLAY: 4th/8 B38. Airborne A88 controls A16's legal forward pass near the sideline when B44 leads with his head and there is helmet to helmet contact with airborne A88. A88 lands inbounds with the ball and immediately falls out of bounds on B's 26.

4. PLAY: 4th/15 B45. A8's untouched punt breaks the plane of B's goal line and is batted back into the field of play by A84 without touching the ground in B's end zone. B42 recovers on B's 4 where he is downed. B76 illegally blocks A84 in the back on B's 14 before the kick ends.

5. PLAY: 4th/10 B20. Team A lines up to attempt a field goal. A8 fakes a kick. Holder A4 immediately rises, runs and is downed on B's 24. B96 runs forward and leaps from beyond the neutral zone in an attempt to block the potential kick and B96 lands on A66. Game clock?

6. PLAY: 4th/10 B40. A49 runs to B's 36 where B98 pulls A49 toward the ground with a horse collar tackle. A49 stumbles to B's 32 where he fumbles. A77 recovers on B's 28 while grounded.

7. PLAY: 4th/5 A25. A8's punt is illegally touched on B's 39 by A87, muffed on B's 37 by B56 and then recovered on B's 36 by A88. B76 blocks A84 in the back on B's 33 before the kick ends.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / October 20, 2012 / (q-1209q)