1. RULING: A 2/2 B32. Dead ball foul by B96. A82 would commit a dead ball foul but the foul occurs only if he does not get inside the numbers before the snap (7-1-5-a-5). Since there was no snap, A82 does not foul. This is similar to a illegal shift of the second kind foul. There are no dead ball offsetting fouls if a foul carrying a five-yard penalty is inolved. COMMENT: An infraction of the 9-yard marks is a dead ball foul but a hideout play where the "hideor" (legal term) was momentarily inside the 9-yard marks is a live ball foul. It would be consistent to have the 9-yard mark foul to be a live ball foul as it was expected to be following the 2009 season.

2. RULING: Game ends. Final score is A27-B28. The game clock should read 0:08 (48 seconds minus 40 seconds for the mathematically challenged) when the play clock expires. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty and elect the ZAP 10. NOTE: This has been a legal, valid coaching tactic. Team A legally took the full 40 seconds to allow Team B less time to score if the field goal is successful. (Reference: NCAA: Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction, August 8, 2011, Play #13) )

3. RULING: A 1/10 B23. The 15-yard penalty for B44's personal foul is enforced from the previous spot, B's 38. If the contact occurred after A88 landed but before he was out of bounds, the 15-yard penalty would be enforced half the distance from the end of A88's run, B's 26. It would be A 1/10 B13.

4. RULING: B 1/10 B7. Team B may elect the touchback for the illegal batting violation in B's end zone before enforcement of the 10-yard penalty. This option is not available to Team B when the illegal touching is in the field of play. The postscrimmage kick spot is B's 20. The spot of the foul, B's 14, is behind the basic spot, B's 20.

5. RULING: B 1/10 B24; Snap. There was no kick. Thus, there is no leaping foul. Team B takes over on downs. This interpretation differs from the rule where a defensive player initiates contact with the snapper before one second has elapsed when Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. This would be a foul whether or not the ball is kicked.

6. RULING: A 1/10 B17. Under the spirit and intent of the horse collar rule, protection is extended to a ball carrier who (a) fumbles; (b) throws a forward pass; (c) throws a backward pass; (d) etc. If the action would have otherwise been a foul had the ball carrier not fumbled or passed the ball, it is a horse collar foul. This foul is similar to a face mask foul where the foul occurs but the ball carrier continues running. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A49's run, B's 32.

7. RULING: A 1/10 A35. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply. Team A has legal possession of the ball and the ball belongs to Team A when the down ends. If there was no foul and no illegal touching, Team A would next out the ball in play. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot. The ball was touched by Team B after the ball crossed the neutral zone. If Team A declines the penalty expecting to take the ball on B's 36, Team B will elect to take the ball at the spot of the illegal touching, B's 39.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu October 18, 2012 / (q-1209a)