1. RULING: B 1/10 B22; Snap. Game clock: 0:38. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul and includes a loss of down. Per the ZAP 10 mechanics, it is obvious that Team B will elect the ZAP 10. Team A could take a timeout to avoid the ZAP 10 leaving them with timeouts after the first and second snaps. The game clock could run out before the third snap. Team A will likely save their three timeouts for the first three snaps by Team B. The game clock could run out before the fourth snap. You be the Team A coach and do the math! In 2011, Rule 3-4-4 included all incomplete illegal forward passes. In 2012, Rule 3-4-4 includes incomplete illegal forward passes before a change of team possession. This pass was before a change of team possession. NOTE: For purposes of discussion, I used the Team A and B designations at the end of the fourth down. By rule, they change on the next ready. (Reference: Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction; August 8, 2011; Play 14)

2 . RULING: A 3/4 B24; Snap. No foul. There is no live ball. This is not a dead ball foul. This would have been a live ball foul if the SJ didn't kill the play. The game clock is reset to 0:24 if necessary. If the SJ did not kill the play, it would be A 1/10 B19; Snap. This would be an illegal substitution foul.

3. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. A 4/18 A2 is also a possibility. The second forward pass by Team A is an illegal forward pass. Since the pass was from A's end zone, acceptance of the penalty results in a safety. Also, since the pass was from A's end zone, Team B may decline the penalty and accept the result of the play which is an incomplete forward pass. If Team B declines the penalty in anticipation of getting possession closer to A's goal line with a little more time to score a touchdown, Team A may take the 4th down snap and step on the end line for a safety anyway. This would take a few more valuable seconds off the clock. Team B will probably accept the penalty.

4. RULING: B 1/10 B32. Interference with opportunity foul by A86. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, B's 17. The contact by A86 would not be a foul if A86 contacts B44 as the result of a block by another Team B player. If a Team A player blocks a Team B player into B44, it does not result in an interference with opportunity foul, sometimes called kick catch interference.

5. RULING: A 2/3 B33. A55, A66 and A77 are all considered threatened offensive linemen since A55 and A77 are adjacent to A66. A55 is considered to have started the snap in reaction to B97 entering the neutral zone. If B97 did not enter the neutral zone, A55 would be flagged for an illegal snap, a dead ball foul.

6. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. The fourth down fumble rule applies. The ball becomes dead when recovered by A68 on B's 2. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble since the ball was recovered in advance of the spot of the fumble. The result of the play is a safety. There are no other options. There cannot be a roughing the kicker foul since there was no kick. The clock may have to be adjusted.

7. RULING: A 1/10 B19; Ready. The play is not reviewable. The first running play is the snap for purpose of penalty enforcement if the snap is muffed. The second running play is the run by A16. The third running play is the run by A86. The fourth running play is the run by A84. The foul occurred during the third running play. The run ended behind the neutral zone. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, B's 34. NOTE: The basic spot is the previous spot if the snap is muffed by the QB and subsequently muffed until the ball is finally recovered by A82 on, for example, B's 25. Thus, the snap is considered the first running play.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu October 10, 2012 / (q-1208a)