2. RULING: A 1/goal B9; Ready. The ball is returned to the spot of the fourth down fumble. There is no change of team possession at any time during the down. The clock is stopped to award a first down to Team A. The penalty is enforced from the end of A88's run, B's 18.
3. RULING: Touchdown. B try A3. The movement by A77 is an illegal motion foul, a live ball foul. A shift is a simultaneous change of position by two or more offensive players after the ball is ready for play for a scrimmage play and before the next snap. This is not a false start, and a dead ball foul, since A77 is not simulating action at the snap. This is not a false start of the second kind since all Team A players were set for at least a second. COMMENT: If the rules committee wanted this to be a dead ball foul, they would have restricted movement of a single offensive player after the one second to a back legally in motion.
4. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. The score is A24-B22. It is illegal to intentionally throw the ball backward and out of bounds to conserve time. Punter A6 threw the ball backward and out of bounds but not to conserve time. There is no foul. However, the impetus is from A6's backward pass. The result of the play is a safety. There is no other option. NOTE: The ruling would be the same if A6 batted the ball from the field of play through A's end zone or if A6 recovered and carried the ball through A's end zone.
5. RULING: B 1/10 B15. B55's foul occurred during a running play that included B44's run. The end of B44's run was B's goal line. The basic spot is B's end zone when a foul occurs after a change of team possession in B's end zone, the related run ends in B's end zone and the result of the play is not a touchback. If B44 was tackled in B's end zone (no fumble), then the basic enforcement spot would be B's 20 and it would be B 1/10 B35. (10-2-2-d-2-c)
6. RULING: A 1/goal B2; Snap. B55 committed an illegal kicking foul and also imparted new impetus. Depending on time remaining and point differential, Team A may take the two points for the safety. However, Team A will most likely accept the 10-yard penalty enforced half the distance from the end of A32's run, B's 4. The clock was stopped for the safety. If B55 batted the ball and not kicked the ball, there would be no foul but new impetus and the result of the play would be a safety.
7. RULING: A 3/25 A45; Snap. Even though he did not realize it at the time, A88 advanced a dead ball. All unsportsmanlike fouls and personal fouls during A88's advance are enforced from the succeeding spot. Fouls carrying a ten yard penalty are canceled.