2. RULING: Game over. The final score is A24-B28. Illegal forward pass. A16 did not receive the snap as the snap was controlled by A33. The 10-second subtraction applies. (7-3-2-h-Exception). COMMENT: Unintended consequences?
3: RULING: Touchback. Game over. The final score is A24-B28. The catch or recovery by an airborne player is treated the same as the catch of a forward pass or the catch or recovery or a backward pass. The player must come down inbounds to complete the catch or recovery. This play is treated the same as a loose ball going out of bounds in B's end zone.
4. RULING: B 1/10 A18. Team B could accept two points for the safety as a result of penalty enforcement (8-5-1-b). Team B will likely elect to have the 10-yard penalty enforced from the spot where te subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 28. If the score was A33-B24, for example, Team B would most likely take the penalty for the safety making the score A33-B26. It would be A f/k A20.
5. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. The catch was not completed when A84 was airborne. The catch was not completed when A84 landed since the ball came loose upon A84's impact with the ground. The catch was not completed until A84 finally controlled the ball when the ball was in B's end zone. When this occurred, the ball became dead. This is a touchdown.
6. RULING: A 1/10 B31. Before a change of team possession, players of Team B may block below the waist only within the area defined by lines parallel to the goal line five yards beyond and behind the neutral zone extended to the sidelines (9-1-6-a-5). However, this rule is trumped by 9-1-6-a-7 which states, "Players of Team B may not block below the waist against an eligible Team A pass receiver beyond the neutral zone unless attempting to get to the ball or ball carrier. This prohibition ends when a legal forward pass is no longer possible by rule." The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A12's run, B's 46, and carries a first down.
7. RULING: B 1/10 B22. The result of the play is a touchback. However the illegal kicking foul occurred during a running play. B44's run did not end in B's end zone. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the end of B44's run, B's 12. If B44 fumbled in B's end zone, it would be B 1/10 B30.