2. RULING: B 1/10 B48. A player blocked by an opponent into a scrimmage kick that has crossed the neutral zone shall not, while inbounds, be deemed to have touched the ball (6-3-4-a). The last known interpretation was that the rule applies whether the player is pushed into the ball or the ball hits the player who was pushed. B44 is not deemed to have touched the ball. The spot of A84's illegal touching is also the spot of an illegal recovery. Team B is likely to have the 10-yard penalty for A88's block in the back foul enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 38. (ss)
3. RULING: A 1/10 B24. Legal blocks by A55 and A77. High-high and low-low blocks, with or without a delay, are not chop blocks. In this play, snapper A55 may, or may not, have missed his blocking assignment. The low-low block may be more likely to occur when the snapper and guard fire out at an opponent in a double team block and both block at the thigh or below. NOTE: The rules committee determines whether or not this is a legal block. Officials do not have the authority to flag this block in the interest of player safety or any other well-intentioned reason.
4. RULING: A 3/6 A14. Team B is in possession when the down ends. After the down ends, the ball belongs to Team A. Since Team B is in possession when the down ends and did not foul before gaining possession, Team B has the first option and will accept offsetting fouls. If Team B does not accept offsetting fouls, Team A will decline the penalty for Team B's foul. It would be A 1/10 A20 since the result of the play is a touchback.
5. RULING: Safety. B f/k B20. The momentum exception ended when B44 carried the ball from B's end zone into the field of play. Rule 8-5-1-b-1 has a condition that the ball becomes dead in the B's end zone. The ball did become dead in B's end zone. However, this rule assumes that the ball remained in B's end zone. The impetus for the ball ending up in B's end zone is the run by B44. The ruling is the same if B44 fumbles and the ball enters the field of play and returns back into B's end zone, even if the ball is muffed back into B's end zone. The travel route of the ball governs, not the ball carrier.
6. RULING: B 1/25 B45. Disqualify B44. The 15-yard penalty for B44's first noncontact foul, carrying the ball off the field, is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 25. This makes it B 1/10 A40 and establishes the line to gain on B's 30 when the ball is declared ready for play. The 15-yard penalty for B44's second noncontact foul, abusive language, is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 40.
7. RULING: B 1/10 B32. A player of Team B who has made a waving signal for a fair catch and does not touch the ball shall not block or foul an opponent during that down. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul when the foul occurs during a free kick (6-5-4-Penalty). The down is replayed if the penalty is declined.