RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: Free kick on A's 30. A5's free kick is rolling near A's 40. A84 voluntarily steps out of bounds and attempts to return inbounds. A84 has one foot still out of bounds on A's 39 and one foot inbounds when he picks up the ball when the ball is on A's 41.

2. PLAY: Second and 10 on B's 20. The score is A27-B28. Neither team has timeouts remaining. A27 advances to B's 20 and throws the backward pass out of bounds to conserve time. The ball goes out of bounds on B's 26. When the down ends, the clock shows 0:16 in the fourth quarter. Game clock?

3. PLAY: Second and 13 on A's 37. On A's 30, A24 takes the ball out of A17's hand on a statue of liberty play and advances to A's 46 where he is downed. B96 is flagged for a personal foul while A17 was holding the ball.

4. PLAY: Free kick on A's 30. B44 is running toward his own goal line to recover the bouncing ball. He picks up the ball on B's 4 and his original momentum carries him into his end zone where he is downed. During the kick, B55 held A86 on B's 32.

5. PLAY: Fourth and 28 on A's 32. B83 catches A4's punt on B's 18 and advances to A's 48 where he fumbles. Officials rule that A67 recovered the fumble while grounded on A's 39. During the kick, B56 commits a personal foul on A's 44. Since postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply, the official's enforce the penalty from the previous spot, A's 32, resulting in A 1/10 A47. Replay shows that during the fumble, the inbounds ball bounced off B96 whose foot was touching the sideline on A's 43. Reviewable?

6. PLAY: Second and 10 on B's 25. As A88 is reaching for a catchable legal forward pass on B's 5, B33 pulls him to the ground by the facemask. The pass is incomplete.

7. PLAY: Fourth and goal on B's 18. The score is A14-B20. QB A12 throws a legal forward pass to airborne A88 who receives the ball on B's 8 and, while still airborne, propels the ball forward toward B's goal line. A84 catches the ball on B's 3 and crosses B's goal line with the ball.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / November 8, 2011 / (q-1110q)