2. RULING: A 1/10 A49;40. A18's pass is a legal forward pass. It would be an illegal forward pass if ball carrier A18 advanced beyond the neutral zone and a Team A player ended up throwing a pass from behind the neutral zone. The play clock cranks up at 40 seconds.
3. RULING: A 3/9 A41. False start by A88. B96 entered the neutral zone between A66 and A77. Thus, only these two players are considered threatened. It would be a dead ball offside foul on B96 if both A77 and A88 moved simultaneously. If B96 entered the neutral zone directly in front of A77, then A66, A77 and A88 would all be considered threatened. In that case, B96 would have committed a dead ball offside foul.
4. RULING: A 1/10 B28;Ready. Game clock: 0:07. There is no ZAP 10 since the clock was stopped to award Team A a first down. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 13. If the measurement showed that Team A was short of a first down by one inch, for example, the clock would have been stopped because of the foul. ZAP 10 would apply and the fourth quarter would end if the ZAP 10 was elected by Team B. (2011 NCAA Rule Change Bulletin, Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction, Play #19 modified)
5. RULING: A 1/10 B13; Snap. The result of the play is a touchback. There is a change of team possession during the down. The 15-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the previous spot and carries a first down. The clock was stopped for two reasons, the touchback for Team B and the completion of the penalty. The touchback trumps the foul. [RR082108].
6. RULING: A 4/14 A46. No foul. Team A was not in a scrimmage kick formation since it was not obvious that a kick might be attempted. It would be a personal foul if B95's contact involved illegal striking.
7. RULING: A 4/1 B21; Ready. Team A will accept the 5-yard penalty for B98's offside foul. Team A had a legal formation since they had at least five linemen numbered 50-79. The clock starts on the ready since the clock was stopped to complete a penalty (3-3-2-e-4). The clock does not start on the snap since Team B does not next snap the ball (3-3-2-d-3).