2. RULING: A 4/10 A40. Team A commits an illegal formation foul. A scrimmage kick formation is a formation with at least one player seven yards or more behind the neutral zone, no player in position to receive a hand to hand snap from between the snapper's legs, and it is obvious that a kick may be attempted (2-16-10). When A5 goes in motion, Team A is no longer in a scrimmage kick formation at the snap. Therefore, Team A must have at at least five linemen numbered 50-79 on the line of scrimmage at the snap (7-1-4-a-5).
3. RULING: B 1/10 A35; Snap. Game clock: 0:25. The five yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 30. The clock was stopped because Team B is awarded a first down and will next snap the ball (3-3-2-d-3). This trumps the fact that the clock was stopped for the foul. This ruling is based on (a) emails received at World Headquarters; and (b) the NCAA Rule Change Bulletin, EXAMPLES: Ten-Second Subtraction, Play #10. NOTE: 2011 CFO Quiz #4, Play #10, is similar to this play. The rules editor is expected to post his rulings on October 10 or 11.
4. RULING: A 2/21 B41; Ready. Game clock: 0:16. The false start for the illegal shift of the second kind occurs at the snap and is treated as a dead ball foul with the play being shut down. The illegal substitution occurs at the snap but is a live ball foul. Thus, there is no illegal substitution foul since the ball is not considered as having become a live ball. The false start caused the clock to stop. Team B may, and will, elect the ZAP 10.
5. RULING: Touchback. B 1/10 B20. A66 added new impetus when he batted B99's fumble from the field of play into Team B's end zone where it becomes dead. A66 also committed an illegal batting foul. The fact that the ball became dead in Team B's end zone under the momentum rule was trumped by the fact that new impetus was imparted by the batting by A66. The momentum rule becomes null and void when the ball enters the field of play unless the fumble goes forward and out of bounds between the goal lines. The basic enforcement spot for A66's foul is B's goal line.
6. RULING: B 1/10 A45. Team A commits a free kick out of bounds foul since the ball was not touched by a Team B player. The five-yard penalty is enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, the 50. The touching by A88 is legal since the ball had gone 10 yards. There is no foul by B94 since the ball hit the ground before the contact occurred.
7. RULING: A 4/13 A37. False start by A78. A78 is not a lineman (2-27-4-a-2) since his head does not break the plane of the line drawn through the waistline of the snapper. Hence, the "threatened" exception does not apply. The dead ball foul would be on B96 if A78 was a lineman. A78 satisfies the definition of a back if his head or body does not break the plane of the line drawn through the waistline of the nearest Team A lineman. If there were no dead ball fouls, Team A might have five players in the backfield at the snap.