2. RULING: A 4/2 B12; Ready. Offsetting fouls. The fouls offset. The penalties cancel. A penalty must be accepted for the ZAP 10 election option to apply. With offsetting fouls, the penalty is really neither accepted nor declined. This trumps the fact that A67's foul caused the clock to stop. (NCAA Rule Change Bulletin, Examples: Ten-Second Subtraction, Play #11)
3. RULING: The first half ends. Team B is the team last gaining possession and did not foul before last gaining team possession. Team B will decline offsetting fouls. Team A then has the option on completing the penalty against Team B. Team A will decline the penalty. Team B could elect offsetting fouls to replay the down and extend the period. If Team B declines offsetting fouls and Team A accepts the 10-yard penalty for holding (they will not), it would be B 1/10 A14 and the period would be extended.
4. RULING: B 1/10 B7. Team A will accept the penalty for B56's block in the back foul. The foul carries postscrimmage kick enforcement since Team B is in possession when the down ends. The 10-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from the end of the kick, B's 14. In the unlikely event that Team A declines the penalty, Team B may elect to put the ball in play at the spot of the fumble, B's 22, or replay the down.
5. RULING: A 1/10 B21; Ready. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A33's run, B's 36. Under the spirit and intent of the horse collar rule, protection would be extended to A33. If the action would have been a foul had A33 not fumbled or passed the ball, then it would still be a foul. The horse collar personal foul also applies if the ball carrier fumbles, throws a forward pass or a backward pass (passer or ball carrier out of tackle box). [NOTE: Interpretation courtesy of the ECAC Coordinator in a prior year]
6. RULING: B 1/10 B49. The rule states that the penalty may be tacked on at the "spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B." The rule says nothing about a change of team possession. The spot where where Team B recovers while grounded is the spot where the dead ball belongs to Team B. (A.R. 6-1-2-VI) [RR042908]
7. RULING: A 3/2 B32; Ready. The play clock is set to 40 seconds. If the fumble was out of bounds behind the spot of the fumble or a ball carrier or a backward pass went out of bounds with 1:59 on the clock, the clock would start on the snap (exception: backward pass out of bounds to conserve time). NOTE: Assume that an official suspects that the clock should have stopped before 1:59 when a ball carrier goes out of bounds. The solution is left as an exercise for the officials on the field. [RR042908][RR050108]