1. RULING: A 2/13 A27. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A19's run, A42. A25 was the right wingback and the block legal but no official came forward to so state and the H and R did not attempt to ascertain A25's position at the snap. It is likely that the right wingback would be the SJ's key unless the end is split wide. The block would also be legal if A25 took two steps in motion to his left and reversed direction at the snap to lead the blocking.

2. RULING: A 3/10 A20. Offsetting fouls. The down is replayed. Both teams committed live ball fouls. The ruling would be the same if B98 committed a personal foul during the down. If B98 lined up properly, it would be A 1/10 B23. Arithmetic indicates that B98's foul improved his team's status by 57 yards and 2 downs. B98 may get a game ball.

3. RULING: Game ends. Final score A28-B34. Team B's foul remains a live ball foul with the penalty enforced as a dead ball foul (9-2-1-b). The penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot. Since the try is not attempted, the penalty will not be enforced.

4. RULING: A 4/7 A35. The encroachment foul by A66 is a dead ball foul. All subsequent action was with a dead ball. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, A's 40. Time may have to be put back on the clock.

5. RULING: A 1/goal B2. Extend the period. The result of the play is a touchback. The penalty is enforced from the end of the last run when that run ends beyond the neutral zone and there is no change of team possession during the down. There was no change of team possession during the down. At no time during the down did Team B have possession. The ball belongs to Team B after completion of the down (8-6-2).

6. RULING: A 1/10 A30. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply. Rule 10-2-3-b-5, changed in 2011, states, "Team B will next put the ball in play". After the down ends, Team A would next put the ball in play since the result of the play is a touchback. If Team A declines the penalty for B66's holding foul, then Team B will take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, A's 42. Team A will accept the penalty. The 10-yard penalty will be enforced from the previous spot, A's 20.

7. RULING: Half ends. A f/k A15 or A f/k A45. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 14. The clock stopping to complete the penalty (3-3-2-e-4) occurred before the clock would have been stopped for a possible first down measurement (3-3-2-e-7). Team B may elect the ZAP 10 since the clock was running when the dead ball foul occurred. If they take the ZAP 10, then the half is over and the 15-yard penalty carries over to the second half. Team B will take the ZAP 10 since otherwise Team A could attempt a field goal and the 15 yards would be wasted. Team B could not elect the ZAP 10 if the clock was stopped for the measurement prior to the dead ball foul.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / September 25, 2011 / (q-1105a)