1. RULING: Half ends. A f/k A15 or A f/k A45. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 14. The clock stopping to complete the penalty (3-3-2-e-4) occurred before the clock would have been stopped for a possible first down measurement (3-3-2-e-7). Team B may elect the ZAP 10 since the clock was running when the dead ball foul occurred. If they take the ZAP 10, then the half is over and the 15-yard penalty carries over to the second half. Team B will take the ZAP 10 since otherwise Team A could attempt a field goal and the 15 yards would be wasted. Team B could not elect the ZAP 10 if the clock was stopped for the measurement prior to the dead ball foul.

2. RULING: A 3/10 B30. Foul for illegal formation. The 5-yard penalty will be accepted and is enforced from the previous spot. The clock was stopped for the incomplete legal forward pass, not for the illegal formation foul. The play does not indicate that all Team A players were, or were not, set for a second after the ready so it is assumed that they were set for a second. If not, this would be called a "false start for an illegal shift of the second kind" (not my words). (A.R. 7-3-2-VII)

3. RULING: Safety. A f/k A20. Team B scores two points. The momentum rule does not apply since the ball did not remain behind A's goal line (8-5-1-a Exception 3). An exception to Exception 3 is when A47's fumble goes out of bounds between the goal lines. After A47's fumble, the ball went from the field of play then back into A's end zone. The impetus is A47's fumble. (2011 NCAA Bulletin #1, Play #10 modified)

4. RULING: A 1/goal B10. There was no legal forward pass so this is not a foul during a passing play. It is a foul during a running play. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A16's run, B's 20 [10-2-2-d-1-(b)]. If this was the last timed down of the period, the period would be extended with an untimed down. NOTE: Some officials struggle with this enforcement. A similar play appears on a quiz during most, if not all, seasons.

5. RULING: A 2/2 A38. Dead ball foul by B94. There can only be dead ball offsetting fouls when each team commits a foul carrying a 15-yard penalty. Current intelligence indicates that the Team B foul occurs prior to the time that the play would be shut down for the Team A foul. The 9-yard mark infraction would be shut down similar to the play being shut down when Team A commits a false start with an illegal shift of the second kind. (A.R. 7-1-5-II)

6. RULING: A 4/13 B33; Ready. Illegal forward pass to conserve time. Since time was a major factor, the pass is considered as thrown to conserve time and not to conserve yardage. The penalty is five yards from the spot of the foul, B's 28, and will be accepted. Team B will elect the ZAP 10. The game clock will be set to 0:08.

7. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A27-B28. The clock started on the ready after enforcement of the penalty for B96's offside foul since the clock was stopped when B44, not a Team A player, ran out of bounds (A.R. 3-3-2-V). The illegal snap stops the clock. Team B will accept the penalty and elect the ZAP 10.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu September 12, 2011 / (q-1103)