1. RULING: B 1/10 A25. The clock starts on the snap. Team B could have elected the safety and it would be A f/k A20. Based on the score and time remaining, Team B will likely accept the penalty enforced 15 yards from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 40.

2. RULING: A 4/10 A40. The play is reviewable. The ruling on the field is reversed. The result of the play is an incomplete legal forward pass. Time will be put back on the clock. All action after the incomplete pass is during a dead ball. If video shows that A16 did fumble, then the subsequent fumble or lack thereof by B94 would be reviewable. if a fumble by A16 and B94 ruled down, the 10-yard penalty for B56's holding foul would be enforced from A's 36.

3. RULING: B 1/10 A36. The five yard penalty will be enforced from A's 41, the spot where the dead ball belongs to Team B. If a Team A player recovered the ball on A's 44, Team B would take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, A's 38. Team B must decline the penalty to take the ball at the spot of illegal touching. The penalty must be completed before Team B may take the ball at the spot of illegal touching unless the illegal touching occurs in Team B's end zone.

4. RULING: B 1/10 A23. The result of the play is a touchback. A77 committed an illegal touching violation on A's 23 since the punt crossed the neutral zone. The recovery and advance by B96 is legal. The ball became dead when it hit the goal line pylon.

5. RULING: A 2/1 A49. The play is reviewable. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A14's run, A's 39, since the foul occurred during a running play. There was no pass. Team B is not charged with a timeout. NOTE: The replay official may decide that the three yards has no direct competitive advantage. But, the coach's challenge must be allowed.

6. RULING: A 4/36 A34. B44 did not give a valid signal. A89 may legally push B44 after B44 muffed the ball. The ball becomes dead when A85 catches the ball on B's 7 (reviewable). The 5-yard penalty for Team A's illegal formation foul is enforced from the previous spot, B's 36. The 15-yard penalty for A89's excessive celebration foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 41. There can be no tack-on since Team A is in legal possession when the down ends.

7. RULING: A 4/17 B27; Ready. A15 is considered to have thrown an illegal forward pass to conserve time. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the pass, B's 22. COMMENT: Based on the score and the time remaining, referee's need not consider (a) an illegal forward pass to save yardage; nor (b) A15 was not under duress.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbertr@sfcollege.edu / November 15, 2010 / (q-1012a)