RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: Fourth and 8 on A's 42. A9 punts. B33 gives a valid fair catch signal ten yards in front of B44. B44 catches the kick on B's 22 and advances to B's 39 where he is downed. No official saw the waving signal. Reviewable?

2. PLAY: Third and goal on B's 8. The score is A27-B28. Ten seconds remain in the fourth quarter. A7's field goal attempt is blocked and simultaneously recovered by A63 and B75 on B's 12. Four seconds remain on the clock. Clock?

3. PLAY: Third and 7 on B's 27. The score is A24-B27. Team A is in a hurry up offense. Ten seconds remain in the fourth quarter when the down ends on B's 21 with the clock running. Team A immediately sends in the field goal team but the 11th Team A player enters the field with six seconds on the clock. The Umpire is over the ball. B44 replaces B22 and time expires as replaced player B22 is leaving the field.

4. PLAY: Third and 16 on A's 24. A36 advances to A's 27 where B55 pulls A36's face mask causing A36 to fumble. B68 recovers and advances to A's 8 when an inadvertent whistle sounds. Clock?

5. PLAY: Fourth and 8 on B's 48. A4's punt is blocked and rolls to a stop on B's 32 where the ball is shortly declared dead by the covering official. During the down, A74 committed a personal foul on B's 34.

6. PLAY: Fourth and 8 on A's 32. A7's punt is blocked, lands on A's 36, takes a reverse bounce and is recovered by A67 on A's 29. Team A had five players in the backfield. B96 commits a holding foul on A's 37 prior to A7 punting the ball.

7. Free kick on A's 30. Team A's pooch kick is on its downward flight on A's 45. No Team B players are in the vicinity. A88, who had voluntarily stepped out of bounds, leaps from out of bounds and, while airborne, bats the kick backward and towards the field of play. The ball lands inbounds on A's 40 where it is recovered by grounded A74. After batting the ball, A88 lands out of bounds.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / November 8, 2010 / (q-1011q)