2. RULING: B 1/10 B12; Snap. A simultaneous catch or recovery of a scrimmage kick makes the ball dead. A kick declared dead in joint possession of opposing players is awarded to the receiving team regardless of the down. The ball must cross the neutral zone and become dead beyond the neutral zone to go to B's 20. (NOTE: If A63 recovered on B's 12 while grounded, it would be A 4/8 B12. The clock would still start on the snap.)
3. RULING: Game ends. The final score is A24-B27. Game officials will not permit the ball to be snapped until Team B has had the opportunity to place a substitute in position and the replaced player has left the field of play. Team B must react promptly with its substitution. (2004 NCAA Football Bulletin #3, Play #5)
4. RULING: A 1/10 A42; Ready. The clock was stopped for the inadvertent whistle. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the end of A36's run, A's 27, and carries a first down. Rule 4-1-2-b-2, inadvertent whistle, does not kick in unless the penalty is declined. This penalty will be accepted.
5. RULING: B 1/10 B47. By interpretation, since the ball was declared dead, then that spot is
the subsequent dead ball spot where Team B will have the ball. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the subsequent dead ball spot, B's 32. Team B could, but will not, elect that the penalty be enforced from the previous spot with Team A replaying the down.
6. RULING: B 1/10 A47.
The ball becomes dead when recovered by A67 who commits an illegal touching violation. Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies. Team A does not have legal possession of the ball when the down ends. Team B will decline offsetting fouls. Team A will accept the penalty for Team B's foul. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 37. If Team A declines the penalty for Team B's foul, Team B will take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, A's 29. Enforce the penalty for Team B's foul and get on with the show.
7. RULING: A 1/10 A40. A88 touched the ball after the kick had gone 10 yards. The batting is legal since the ball was batted backwards. A88 does not foul since he did not return to the field of play (6-3-12). If A88 landed inbounds before the ball was recovered by A74, the 5-yard penalty would be enforced from the previous spot and it would be A f/k A25.