2. RULING: A 1/10 A40; Snap. The 10-yard penalty for A66's holding foul is enforced from the spot of the foul, B's 35. After enforcement, Team A has earned a first down. The 15-yard penalty for A88's unsportsmanlike foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 45. Since A88's foul occurred before the ready for play, it will be A 1/10 A40 and not A 1/25 A40. The clock starts on the snap because it was stopped for the apparent touchdown In 2011, the ruling may be A 1/10 B45. (ss101610)
3. RULING: Game over. Final score: A28-B27. The block by A77 is legal since the ball was not kicked. If A9 did kick the ball and it went out of bounds on A's 16, then A77's block below the waist would be a foul. The 15-yard penalty is enforced half the distance from A's 16 making it B 1/goal A8. The fourth quarter would be extended by an untimed down. (jw101610)
4. RULING: A 4/4 B44; Snap. The inadvertent whistle sounded during a running play. Team A was in possession so will most likely elect to replay the down. Team A could, but probably will not, elect A 1/10 A3. If A65 committed a block in the back foul on A's 2 during A84's advance, it would be A 1/10 A1. The inadvertent whistle then would not be a consideration. The clock starts on the snap because of the legal kick play during the previous down.
5. RULING: A 4/25 A25. The play is reviewable. The ruling on the field is reversed (woodshed if used by the referee). Time will be put back on the clock since the clock would have stopped for the incomplete pass. The 15-yard penalty will be enforced as a dead ball foul since a 15-yard penalty is involved. The foul would be ignored if A52 committed, for example, a holding foul which would be unusual.
6. RULING: A 4/12 A28. The period is extended with an untimed down. Since there is no "spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B," Team B's only penalty option is to have the penalty enforced at the previous spot, thus extending the quarter for Team A to snap the ball in an untimed down. If Team A is smart, they will simply take a knee. If B44's fumble went out of bounds on A's 8, for example, it would be B 1/goal A7 with the period extended.
7. RULING: A's ball, 1st and 10, on B's 13. Illegal batting by B44. Postscrimmage kick enforcement does not apply since Team A is in possession when the down ends. The advance by B44 is legal since B44 touched the ball before the ball touched the ground in B's end zone. Acceptance of the penalty for illegal batting would result in a safety if B44 did not fumble and Team B had possession of the ball when the down ended. If the penalty did not result in a first down, Team A may want to take the ball, 1st and 10, on B's 24. It would be a touchdown if, after the bat, a Team A player caught or recovered the ball in B's end zone.